100 Bucket List Ideas For Hopeless Sentimental Romantic…

There is nothing so bonding as a couple, as doing things together. Setting goals together, planning dreams, and creating bucket lists: these are all incredible and meaningful. So, the idea came to me, to create an ultimate romantic and sentimental bucket list. Those two go great together, since every romantic, is a sentimental fool too. All of us, have this warm and fuzzy feeling, when we remember something that happened even ages ago, but it was so dear o our heart. Let us walk through, the most romantic and sentimental, here and there, things to, especially together, with your significant other.

  1. Ride on a horseback through the beach
  2. Spend the night on the beach, to see the sunrise
  3. Kiss on the top of ferries wheel
  4. Take a bubble bath while listening to soothing music and sipping out of wine glasses
  5. Take a boat ride on the lake
  6. Take a gondola ride in Venice
  7. Ride in a horse carriage
  8. Kiss in the rain
  9. Go ice-skating and hold hands with your loved one
  10. Take a hot air balloon trip with your loved one
  11. Fall asleep beside a fireplace
  12. Kiss underneath the fireworks
  13. Get a couple massage
  14. Have an old-fashioned picnic in the park
  15. Jump onto pile of freshly fallen leaves
  16. Go to a carnival party, in matching costumes
  17. Bake together
  18. Stay whole day in bed
  19. Binge your favorite show all night long
  20. Spend the night in bed, talking on the phone till morning
  21. Go at 3 am for a walk-in moonlight on Brooklyn Bridge
  22. Have a cozy snow day at home, by the fireplace
  23. Rent a mountain cabin, and spend a snowy weekend there
  24. Build a snowman together
  25. Walk in the falling snow
  26. Walk in the falling rain
  27. Go for a swim in a rain
  28. Go on a road trip
  29. Go to Disneyland
  30. Go to pottery class together
  31. Go to wine tasting in a winery
  32. Pose for each other as a portrait model
  33. Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, in Rome
  34. Visit Paris
  35. Kiss on top of Eiffel tower
  36. Go on a cruise together
  37. Go fishing
  38. Go scuba diving
  39. Go skydiving
  40. Learn to dance tango
  41. Cake a cooking class together
  42. Have a romantic photo session
  43. Slow dance under the moonlight.
  44. Have a water fight
  45. Build a blanket fort.
  46. Go camping – indoors or outdoors.
  47. Watch a summer flick.
  48. Visit a local attraction.
  49. Go to a local or state fair
  50. Watch a concert in the park
  51. Create and send a message in a bottle.
  52. Have a romantic balcony dinner date.
  53. Have a dessert date.
  54. Make s’mores by a campfire.
  55. Share an ice cream float.
  56. Go to an amusement park
  57. Win a stuffed animal on the fair, for the significant other
  58. Go to drive in movie night
  59. Flight kites
  60. Stay one night in bed and breakfast, even in your own city
  61. Go on a train trip, to different state
  62. Have candlelight, spaghetti dinner.
  63. Go on a day hike
  64. Go berry picking
  65. Start a new tradition together
  66. Create a holiday, that only you will celebrate
  67. Watch clouds by laying on the grass
  68. Roll down the hill
  69. Make snow angels
  70. Make a bouquet of field flowers
  71. Swim with the dolphins
  72. Get a henna tattoo
  73. Get matching tattoos
  74. Write each other a love letter
  75.   Cover the bed in rose petals
  76. Cook your favorite meal
  77. Create a “love potion” aka new mixed drink
  78. Take a spontaneous road trip
  79. Go to flea market
  80. Go to farmers’ market
  81. Go apple, pumpkin, or berry picking
  82. Create love songs playlist
  83. Create favorite love movies collection
  84. Take a tandem bike ride
  85. Go kayaking
  86. Go jet ski
  87. Go to a fortune teller
  88. Go wine tasting
  89. Go on cheese tasting tour
  90. Make a chocolate fondue date night
  91. Stay in super luxurious hotel
  92. Plan 1st or 2nd honeymoon
  93. Plan amazing vacation, to the finest details
  94. Pretend to be a tourist in your own city
  95. Spend a day at the museum
  96. Spend a day in bed, watching favorite movies or cartoons
  97. Leave love notes on the bathroom mirror
  98. Attend a sports game together
  99. Dress up fancy for candlelight dinner at home
  100. Make sushi together

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