All Natural Painkillers

Vegetables, fruit, spices, and other foods have been used as natural painkillers for years.  Some of them work effectively on their own, while others need to be prepared with special potions.  The active substances they contain often not only fight pain, but also have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Painkillers are used to ease or relieve pain in any part of the body, especially headaches, but also muscles and joints.  There are different types of painkillers that you can buy in pharmacies, but for those who prefer the home remedy alternative, we’ve put together this article.  Find out which natural painkillers are the best here.

Which natural painkillers are the best?

Certain foods may be as effective as pain relievers and anti-inflammatories.  They do not have any side effects.  Get to know them.

 Its effectiveness as a pain reliever in people suffering from joint pain has been confirmed in scientific studies, the results of which were published in 2009 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.  The spice has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is worth combining it with pepper, because then its active ingredients are better absorbed

 It reduces the inflammation that causes pain as well as soothes a sore throat.  It’s a good idea to add cinnamon to your coffee before brewing it.  Or make a drink with one teaspoon of cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey and warm water

They contain anti-inflammatory substances and very effective antioxidants (e.g., dark pigment).  They ease the pain caused by gout

Has anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen.  It works most effectively if we consume three tablespoons of it every day.  Research also shows that extra virgin olive oil blocks pain signals from reaching the brain

Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids in combination with vitamin D fight arthritic pain.  Both active ingredients are found in salmon



This well-known spice when used raw or in the form of a decoction helps to reduce the feeling of pain and helps to reduce inflammation in the mouth, headaches, and inflammation of the respiratory tract.  The substance eugenol contained in cloves reduces the activity of enzymes that support the formation of inflammation in the body.

Clove applied topically, fights toothache in just a few seconds.  Combine two drops of the oil with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and put it on the sore spot in the mouth.  Research shows that clove oil fights microbes that cause infection and even tooth decay

In addition, a decoction of cloves helps to fight infection in the autumn and winter period, and also helps to strengthen the immune system.

Cloves help to reduce sore throats, coughs, sinus pains and nasal congestion, eliminating pain sensations and restoring airway patency.


As a pain reliever, it is used almost routinely in Asia.  It fights arthritic pain and has anti-inflammatory properties.  It is worth adding a teaspoon of dried or two teaspoons of fresh ginger to your dishes


Chamomile is effective in treating inflammation in the muscles and is great at soothing the nerves.  It has many benefits for the health of your body.  It will help you relieve back, neck and abdominal pain.

The infusion prepared from dried “Matricaria recutita” baskets is not only one of the best-known sedatives.  This herb is able to alleviate inflammation, which is manifested by severe and often long-lasting pain.  In the case of sore muscles, migraines, aching stomach or spine, natural therapists recommend drinking three cups of hot infusion or chamomile tea.  This type of treatment, carried out patiently and systematically, can bring noticeable relief and make the pain permanently disappear.

Drink up to three cups of chamomile tea during the day or night.  You will feel a definite relief in the area of muscles and joints.

Cat’s claw

“Vilcacora”, also known as cat’s claw or fluffy claw, is an herb originating from South America with an extremely wide range of medicinal uses.  The fluffy claw, popularly known as the cat’s claw – in natural medicine, both the root and the bark of this plant are used.  Its natural habitat is the areas of South and Central America, but the largest clusters are in the Amazon rainforest.

 Claw increases the body’s resistance and acts as an anti-inflammatory, preventing the body from producing prostaglandins, the hormones responsible for signs of inflammation such as pain, swelling and redness.  The plant is also packed with antioxidants, dilates blood vessels, helps muscles relax, and is a natural diuretic.

With the help of this plant, we can both strengthen immunity and reduce persistent pain.  Thanks to anti-inflammatory properties, taking cat’s scratch supplements relaxes the body, reduces inflammation and redness, leading to a significant reduction in pain and tension.

White willow bark

The healing properties of white willow bark have been used in natural medicine for over 2,000 years.  It was used by the inhabitants of ancient China and Rome.  White willow bark is recommended for the treatment of lower back pain, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, and migraines. Its medicinal raw material is bark.   The bark contains  a biologically active substance called “salicin”, which was first extracted in 1828.  Salicin obtained from willow bark is a derivative of acetylsalicylic acid, i.e., a popular aspirin. Unlike it, however, it does not cause any side effects with long-term use.  What’s more, taking supplements containing white willow bark reduces pain more effectively than its chemical counterpart. The pain-relieving effect of the cortex is not as fast as aspirin, but it gives a much longer and more lasting effect.

Boswellia serrata

Boswellia, called “Indian incense”, is one of the most popular herbs used in Ayurveda.  Natural therapists recommend using the plant’s resin to treat inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis.  Due to the fact that this herb contains boswellic acid, it improves blood flow in the arteries, thus preventing various types of inflammation.  On the market, Boswellia comes in both skin cream and oral tablet forms.  Regular use of preparations based on this herb reduces swelling, strengthens bones, and joints, and protects the liver.

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of those gifts of nature that, apart from their natural taste, also relieve pain.  It is worth getting extra virgin olive oil, which is the healthiest variety, different from the one sold in stores.  It is worth going directly to a health food store or to a special organic food fair.

Olive oil has a natural substance that works like ibuprofen and other NSAIDs.  Studies have shown that olive oil has an effect comparable to these medications as it helps reduce pain.

The good news is that it is a natural remedy that poses far fewer health risks, does not cause blood clots, Alzheimer’s disease, or cancer (which is possible for people who constantly consume chemicals).


This spice contains curcumin, one of the best natural painkillers, which helps block pain in the body and also fights inflammation.  It can be used in place of pharmaceutical drugs without any side effects.

Several studies have shown that turmeric can help stop pain in rheumatoid arthritis by stopping the transmission of neurotransmitters to the brain.

The suggested turmeric dosage is around 600 mg, which should be consumed three times a day for best results.

Fish oil

Because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can block the production of inflammatory chemicals such as leukotrienes and cytokines, which are very painful and one of the leading causes of arthritis.

Consuming fish oil can significantly reduce the severity of Crohn’s disease.  It can also help patients to wean off steroids and pharmaceutical products, which are becoming more addictive and require ever higher doses of patients to relieve pain.


These blue, small, delicious fruits have many valuable properties.  They are a great anti-inflammatory agent because they contain a lot of antioxidants that eliminate the free radicals responsible for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, further leading to ulcers, urinary tract infections or poor digestion.

Studies show that eating a glass of blueberries a day prevents nearly 60% of urinary tract infections.  They are also great for cleansing the blood, reducing the effects of inflammation and fluid retention, and lowering sugar levels in people with diabetes.


Grapes help to heal backache, which is so common in today’s society due to the frequent use of computers or maintaining an incorrect posture in front of the TV.  The anti-inflammatory properties of grapes increase blood flow in the lumbar region, reducing pain.  Research shows that the recommended daily allowance for grapes is 1 cup.  It will help reduce back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and pain around the waist.  Recent research by scientists from Ohio State University indicates that eating a bowl of grapes a day can relax blood vessels, greatly improving blood flow to damaged tissues (even within three hours after eating a serving of fruit).

This action is effective for back pain because the vertebrae and intervertebral discs (discs) depend on nearby blood vessels for nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is essential in treating damaged back tissues.


Oats have many miraculous properties, so we recommend eating it for breakfast with flake milk, orange juice and yoghurt.  They are excellent painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for women as they reduce inflammation in the pelvic area during menstruation.

It is also a wonderful and nutritious product that raises the levels of zinc in the body while providing relief to those who suffer from endometriosis.  You can also add it to meat, poultry, vegetables, salads, or soups.


How could it be otherwise … garlic is a product of a thousand and one strengths, among which the action as painkillers definitely prevails.  It helps to reduce pain in people who suffer from arthritis.  To take full advantage of its benefits, peel a clove of garlic and heat it up in a tablespoon of olive oil.  Apply topically to the pain-affected areas.  You will feel pain and discomfort reduced immediately.

You can also use garlic to treat toothache.  To do this, crush three cloves of garlic and mix them with a little salt.  Apply topically on teeth and leave for a few minutes.  The saliva mixed with the released garlic juice will make you say goodbye to toothache quickly (which is one of the worst types of pain).

Apple cider vinegar

It is a good seasoning for salads or… excellent painkillers.  It has an alkaline effect that covers the entire body.  It will prove to be extremely effective for you, especially if you lead an active lifestyle.  Apple cider vinegar reduces acidity and inflammation in the upper stomach.

To take advantage of its benefits, mix a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water.  Drink when you have acid reflux, and you will get great results.


It is the main ingredient of chili peppers.  In the form of ointments or patches, it can be used topically to relieve chronic muscle and rheumatoid pain.  Capsaicin affects the process by which the pain signal reaches the brain – it blocks pain receptors.  All cosmetics and medical preparations containing this substance should be used with great care – after application, wash your hands thoroughly and avoid contact with your eyes.  Capsaicin is also an ingredient very often used in the production of slimming preparations.  Additionally, it reduces the risk of catching the flu.

Red peppercorn

It can do more than you think.  It may look inconspicuous, but trust me, there is a lot of healing power in every small red ball.  It contains not only valuable vitamins (example: group B and beta-carotene), but also relieves pain.  A bit of this spicy spice is recommended for stomach ailments and periodontitis.

Valerian root

Pain sensations don’t have to be just physical.  Discomfort, hypersensitivity, exhaustion, lack of sleep or a feeling of helplessness negatively affect the whole body.  The weakened functioning of the central nervous system contributes to the increased susceptibility to pain.  Valerian is used medicinally as a sedative.

The active substances contained in the plant contribute to mental relaxation and reduce susceptibility to stress and pain stimuli.

Valerian helps to reduce pain symptoms during migraines or menstruation, thanks to its vasodilating properties.


do you suffer from menstrual pain?  Add parsley to your meals!  You can use both parsley and root – boiled or not, depending on your preferences.  Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, parsley relaxes the pelvic muscles. .  Parsley contains apiol, which is one of the components of female hormones.  It increases menstruation and makes it more regular.  Often drunk parsley juice will minimize menstrual cramps. For women who have problems with the regularity of their periods, it is recommended to drink parsley tea to regulate the cycles.


It is just  perfect for joint pain and rheumatic inflammation.  It can be used to make an infusion – boil 3 onions for 15 minutes in a liter of water.  The infusion should be drunk twice a day for half a glass.  A more hardcore version is the use of onions as a poultice.  In this case, grate the onion and cover the sore spot, then cover it with gauze or a cloth.  Keep the compress for about an hour.

Natural honey

It soothes throat irritation and eliminates hoarseness.  One teaspoon of warm honey is said to have a similar effect to throat syrup.  Honey is anti-inflammatory and cleanses the throat and respiratory tract.


ideally suited to problems with sinuses.  Horseradish has a disinfecting and warming effect.  In addition, it has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.  To get rid of the troublesome sinusitis, it is worth boiling grated horseradish and using it for inhalation.


There is a saying : “ One apple a day, keeps the doctor away”!   Apples reduce muscle pain, and also reduce swelling and swelling of the lower legs. 

Both apples and apple cider vinegar are good for relieving headache symptoms. Consuming them restores the acid-base balance in the body. When a headache occurs, it is worth reaching for a piece of apple sprinkled with salt, and then washed down with warm water. Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, can be mixed with hot water and inhaled the vapors. You can also add two teaspoons of vinegar to a glass of water, a little honey, lemon and drink the prepared mixture.


It  has been known for a long time that mint works best for stomach problems.  In my childhood, I really hated mint, because it was associated only with abdominal pain and malaise.  Now I enjoy drinking peppermint tea every day.  Thanks to the menthol content, mint has an antispasmodic effect, additionally helps with indigestion, and facilitates digestion.


It helps people suffering from rheumatism.  Those who complain of stomach aches should also reach for it, for example by drinking lemon water or tea with lemon juice.  Lemon compresses help reduce aches and pains in bruised areas.


basil essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.  In the case of sinusitis, a decoction of basil with salt will work well.  Pour 2 tablespoons of basil and a tablespoon of table salt with a glass of boiling water.  Use as a gargle, nose spray or ear rinse after cooling.


this time the fruit will not be used, but the blackcurrant leaf.  It has an analgesic and slightly sedative effect.  They are great for relieving migraine pains.  Leave the blackcurrant leaves flooded with boiling water for 30 minutes and drink.  The infusion is more effective if we use a mixture of blackcurrant leaves in combination with sage (ratio 1: 1).


Cherries have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, protect against cardiovascular disease, and help regenerate injured tissues.  The substances contained in cherries promote the regeneration of muscles, tendons, and ligaments (especially after a hard training). Thanks to this effect, the consumption of cherries or cherry juice helps to reduce the so-called  colloquially “soreness”.

Recent research shows that one in four women struggle with arthritis, gout, or chronic headaches.  Cherries can relieve pain without the stomach upset so often caused by modern pain medications.  Research shows that anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries a brilliant red color, are anti-inflammatory agents up to 10 times stronger than ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid.

Experts recommend eating around 20 cherries (fresh, frozen, or dried) a day until the pain subsides.


A natural remedy for earache.  It is enough to lightly crush or crush the fresh leaves of this plant to release the juice and make a poultice on the ear for a few minutes.

Black mustard

The grains can be warmed up in a pan, put in a linen bag and applied to the sore spots.  The cataplasm should be removed when the skin becomes red.

One tablespoon of mustard seeds is poured with 1 cup of warm water, a piece of flannel is dipped in the mixed liquid and placed on the skin for 10-15 minutes;  until they turn red.  After removing the compress, the body is washed with warm water.


It reduces the inflammation that causes the pain as well as soothes a sore throat.

It’s a good idea to add cinnamon to your coffee before brewing it.  Or make a drink with one teaspoon of cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey and warm water.

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