CATS- Quotes

Cat quotes show their beauty and true nature. For many years, furry fur has had a huge impact on people, and these words only additionally confirm it. There are plenty of people who love cats, love their company and their individualism.  There are lovely animals, and I know them to be lovable family members.  Even thou I’m not exactly the “cat person”, since I  Love dogs a lot more 😊 they definitely deserve the recognition. And since the previous post was dedicated to dogs and quotes about them, it is only fair that now the cats will get their share.


“The dog simply eats. The cat is dinning”. Ann Taylor

“The cat gives the house soul.” Clebert

“The cat is always fond of mice.” Jan Sebastian Bach

“There are no average cats.” Colette

“I have God in a fur coat …” Halina Poświatowska

“I like cats. You can’t rule them.” Lilian Jackson Braun

“The Lowliest Cat is a Masterpiece.” Leonardo da Vinci

“To make a mistake is human, purr – a cat.” Robert Byrne

“Dogs have their masters, cats – their servants.” Rita Moe Brown

“When a cat plays with a mouse, it does not remember the dog.” Władysław Grzeszczyk

“A cat has too big a soul to not have a heart.” Ernest Menaul

“Time with cats is never wasted time.” Colette

“Everyone knows that they don’t own a cat.” Ellen Perry Berkeley

“How you treat cats determines your place in Heaven.” Robert A. Heinlein

“There are two ways to escape the prose of life: music and cats.” Albert Schweitzer

“Cats live in our homes without losing their wildness.” Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

“Having one cat leads to having another.” Ernest Hemingway

“Anyone who doesn’t like cats must have been a mouse in a previous incarnation.” Faith Resnick

“Cats are tender masters as long as we know our place.” Paul Gray

“When a cat dances with a mouse – you don’t need music.” Władysław Grzeszczyk

“The cat works according to the principle: ask and maybe I will give you”. Joseph Wood Krutch

“God didn’t do anything except the cats.” Wiesława Szymborska

“The cat is as domestic as it suits him.” Saki

“A cat like a cat, four paws, a back and some fleas – an interesting animal.” Sven Darko

“It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white. It’s important that it catches mice.” Deng Xiaoping

“Man is civilized as much as he can understand a cat.” Jean Cocteau

“Cats don’t consider anyone who can’t meow to be eloquent.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

“A wise cat eats cheese and exhales its smell into a mouse hole, for bait.” W. C. Fields

“It is very easy to hurt a cat, but believe me, it’s no honor, no!” Mikhail Bulkhakov

“People who don’t like cats have apparently not met the right one yet.” Deborah A. Edwards

“The cat is a lousy father. Like the carefree French, he is a bachelor at heart.” Eric Gurney

“By associating with a cat, a person only risks becoming richer internally.” Colette

“Women and cats always do what they want, so let men and dogs get over it.” Robert A. Heinlein

“Cats are mysterious creatures, there is more to their minds than we can imagine.” Sir Walter Scott

“My cat likes grape juice very much, especially white. And only the best brand. He is an expert.” Lilian Jackson Braun

“The dog will come on call; the cat will pick up the message and contact you at any time.” Mary Bly

Cats easily succeed in what is not given to humans: to walk through life without making noise.

Ernest Hemingway

“A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat who is not there at all.” Charles Darwin

“If a dog jumps on your lap, it does it out of love, if a cat does it, it’s because it’s warmer there.” Alfred North Whitehead

“If a crisis is ruining your health or a loved one has failed you, do what costs little: get a cat.” Franciszek J. Klimek

“People can roughly fall into two categories: cat lovers and disadvantaged people.” Oscar Wilde

“Cats energize, make you laugh, are great for cuddling, are almost always at least pretty, and sometimes even beautiful”. Roger Caras

“An amused kitten, bouncing like a little tiger, is infinitely more interesting than half the people you must be with in this world.” Lady Sydney Morgan

“It is not easy to win a cat’s friendship. He does not place his feelings carelessly: he can become your friend if you are worthy of it, but never your slave.” Théophile Gautier

“The peak of happiness for a cat is attention, conversation, caresses and love on the part of man; and for humans nothing can be more flattering than the attachment of a creature so completely independent.” Eugen Skasa – Weiss

“Cat lovers are always easy to know: Their clothes always look old and worn, their sheets look like doormats and their bathroom looks like a collection of cat’s mistakes.” Eric Gurney

“When a cat, which is an image of grace and beauty, suddenly turns over in a hideous pose, twists its mouth and scratches its ear, it tells you, Sir, please go to hell!” Lilian Jackson Braun

“If the door is closed, scratch the doormat until chips are flying from it. The door must always be half open, especially the one leading to the garden during a blizzard. People must serve us as buttons to open the door.” Celia Haddon

“Really intimate and intense experiences will be provided only by a living cat or a pint of beer straight from the barrel; moreover, both live and live are kinder and more worthy of warm feelings than even their most beautiful pictures”. Eugen Skasa – Weiss

“It is of great importance that the variety of cats is endless. You can choose a cat according to decor, color scheme, income, personality, temperament, etc. But under the fur, whatever its color, remains absolutely unchanged, the only free spirit in the world.” Eric Gurney

“What exactly is a cat? Correction of the work of creation. When God made the mouse, he said to himself:” Oh, I must have gone mad! ” So, the cat is, in a sense, a correction of the wrong mouse. The cat and the mouse are proof that we are dealing today with the work of creation in a revised and revised edition. ” Victor Hugo

“Sometimes he would approach the seated household members and, after hesitating for a moment, jump on their laps, stand with open claws and gaze deeply into the eyes without blinking. Then he tilted his head without looking away and meowed only once, and it was immediately obvious, that William was conveying something important and wise that a human would never understand. ” Ian McEwan

“If you have recklessly decided to bathe your cat, change your mind and do not do it. However, if you persist in your resolve, take bath soap, pour water carefully brought into the tub, carefully adjusted to the cat’s body temperature, prepare a towel or two, iodine, surgical threads, gauze. – and a bottle of brandy would be good too – and a pair of protective gloves. You can also notify your next of kin if you really are foreseeable. Eric Gurney

“Cats are much smarter than dogs … You can’t harness eight cats to pull a sled across the snow.” Jeff Valdez

“Does a house without a cat – well fed, pampered and properly appreciated – deserve the name of a home at all?” Mark Twain

“For a man to have a good character, he needs a dog that will love him and a cat that will ignore him.” Derek Bruce

“If you crossed a man with a cat, it would be good for you, but it would certainly hurt the cat.” Mark Twain

“Cats easily succeed in what is not given to humans: walking through life without making noise” Ernest Hemingway

“If you could cross a man with a cat, the man would benefit and the cat would lose,” Mark Twain

“And when we’re at security, I’ll give you a gift. Cat. You will feed him, brush him, and stroke him every day, because the kitten likes it very much. But if someone comes with a dark night to cut your throat, the kitten will eat it. ” Ewa Białołęcka

“The aquarium is just an interactive television for cats.” Author unknown

“Who knows, when I am frolicking with my cat, I really enjoy it, or is she having fun at my expense?” Michel de Montaigne

“I got rid of my husband. The cat was allergic. ” Author unknown

“Garfield’s Law: Cats instinctively sense the exact moment when the owner wakes up … and therefore wake him up ten minutes earlier.” Jim Davis

“Man is civilized as much as he can understand a cat.” Jean Cocteau

“A man must extract an adventure with a cat from under the ground, like a precious metal; sometimes he has to plunge deep into himself to find a cat. ” Eugen Skasa-Weiss

“The more you stroke the cat, the more it rises!” Author unknown

“There are two ways to escape the prose of life: music and cats.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Anyone who owns a cat doesn’t have to fear loneliness.” Daniel Defoe

“Friendship with a cat is based on mutual respect for freedom” Anna Dymna

“Love is a cat. It comes when it feels like it. Without asking for an opinion, he sits on his lap and warms you with his mere presence. He has claws, but you know it’s fun to have a cat anyway. ”John Planty

“Anyone who owns a cat doesn’t have to fear loneliness.” Daniel Defoe

By purring, a cat can cope with any situation. Donna McCrohan

“God created a cat so that a person could stroke a tiger”. V. M. Hugo

“Cats can sense that you don’t like their paw prints in the butter, but they will climb on them every time no one is watching.” Kathy Young

“Who knows, if I play with my cat, I really enjoy it, or is she having fun at my expense?” Michel de Montaigne

“The best way to live in harmony with your cat is to treat it as equal – and even better, as the superior being it claims to be.” Elizabeth Peters

“There is nothing softer, nothing that makes the skin feel more delicate and unique than warm and wavy cat fur.” Guy de Maupassant

“Garfield’s Law: Cats instinctively sense the exact moment their owner is awake … and therefore wake him up ten minutes earlier.” Jim Davis

“Even though cats are rather delicate creatures that can suffer from many ailments, there has never been a case of insomnia.” Joseph Wood Crutch

“If you could cross a man with a cat, the man would benefit and the cat would lose,” Mark Twain.

 “The cat is a sparkling ball full of life that fell among us straight from the hand of God” Eugen Skasa-Weiss.

 “Whoever owns a cat doesn’t have to fear loneliness” Daniel Defoe.

“In the beginning, God created a fluffy ball, which he called a Cat for lack of a better idea. He looked at his handiwork and shook his head. It wasn’t exactly what he intended. God wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. He knew, of course, that what he had just created was hardly a miracle. But he had no time for any changes – the seven-day deadline was just around the corner. Okay, he shrugged. Not everything has to be successful. The cat, not paying any attention to its appearance on the ground, curled up into a ball and fell asleep again ”Stephen Baker.

 “Does a house without a cat – fed, pampered and properly appreciated – deserve the name of a home at all?” Mark Twain.

 “The cat is as domestic as it suits” Saki.

“Winning a cat’s friendship is not easy. He does not place his feelings carelessly: he can become your friend if you are worthy of it, but never your slave ”Théophile Gautier.

 “Cats are tender masters as long as we know our place” Paul Gray.

“People can roughly be divided into two categories: cat lovers and disadvantaged people.” Oscar Wilde.

 “If cats were twice the size they are now, they would probably be illegal” Douglas Coupland.

“Having one cat leads to having another.” Ernest Hemingway.

“I love cats because I like my home and they are slowly becoming its visible soul” Jean Cocteau.

 “Perhaps because cats do not live by human patterns, do not conform to established behavior, so they are united with creative people” Andre Norton.

“When you go down to the dogs, don’t meow!” Carla Lane.

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