
On a cloudy, rainy Friday, what can be better, than freshly made, cheesecake? Well, to tell you the truth, not much, at this specific moment.

I gather a small collection of  few  new cheesecake recipes. We all know the most traditional ones, that is everybody loves, but the cheesecake world is so much more than that … with so many great and delicious recipes, there is plenty to choose from.  

Baked raspberry & lemon cheesecake


  • ¾ cp of  digestive biscuit
  • 4 oz of  butter, melted
  • 2 ½ cup of  cream cheese
  •  ¾ cup of golden sugar
  • ¾ cup of  natural yogurt
  • 3 medium eggs
  • finely grated zest 2 lemons, juice of 1
  • ½ cup of  plain flour
  • 1 cup of  raspberry
  • icing sugar, to decorate


  • Crush the biscuits in a food processor or in a food bag using a rolling pin. Transfer into a bowl with the melted butter and mix well.
  • Push the biscuits into an even layer into the base of the cake tin and chill until needed.
  • In a separate bowl use an electric whisk to beat the soft cheese with the sugar.
  • Next beat in the yoghurt then the eggs one at a time. Finally add the lemon zest, lemon juice and flour.
  • Fold through two thirds of the raspberries crushing them very slightly so they start to bleed into the mix then tip the mix on top of the biscuit base and smooth over the top. Bake for 45 mins to an hour, then turn off the oven, leave the cake inside for another hour then cool at room temperature.
  • Chill overnight. To serve, remove from tin, scatter with remaining raspberries and dust heavily with icing sugar.

Polish Cheesecake from Krakow


For the crust:

  • 2 oz of flour
  • 1 oz of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream
  • salt

For the cheese mass:

  • 3 lb. of fatty cottage cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • half a cup heavy cream
  • 4 oz of sugar
  • vanilla sugar
  • vanilla pudding
  • 4 oz of grams of raisins
  • 4 tablespoons of candy. orange peel
  • peel grated from 1 lemon
  • yolk to brush on top of the cheesecake
  • ready frosting


  • Chop the flour and butter into lumps. Add powdered sugar, egg yolks, cream, and a pinch of salt. Chop and knead briefly. Wrap in foil and cool for 30 minutes.
  • Grind the cottage cheese, mix with cream. Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar, add to the cheese with pudding powder and mix. Stir in the citrus peels, raisins, and egg white foam.
  • For the bottom, roll out 2/3 of the dough, arrange it in the form. Spread the cheese mass on the dough, even out the top. Roll out the rest of the dough, cut into strips, and place it diagonally on the cheesecake every 2 cm to form a grid. Brush with beaten yolk. Bake for 50-60 minutes (375 F degrees). Cool, frost and cut into portions.

White chocolate & apricot cheesecake


  • 1 pack shortbread biscuits ( 10 – 12 oz)
  • 3 oz of butter , melted
  • 7 ripe apricots
  • 2 sheets leaf gelatin
  • 1 ½ cup of white chocolate , plus extra to decorate
  • 1 ½ cup of  heavy  cream
  • 1 cup of pack light soft cheese
  • 4 oz of granulated  sugar


  • Break biscuits into the food processor and pulse until you have fine crumbs. Brush a little butter over the base and sides of a deep 10 – 12-inch  flat tin. Stir the remaining butter into the crumbs. Spoon into the flan tin, then press over the base and sides. Chill while you make the filling.
  • Stone and chop 3 of the apricots into small chunks. Put the gelatin in a bowl, cover with cold water, then leave to soften for 10 mins. Break up chocolate and put in a heatproof bowl with ½ cup of the heavy  cream. Stand over a pan of simmering water, then leave until melted, stirring occasionally. Squeeze water out of the gelatin, then stir into chocolate mix. Take off the heat and stir until dissolved. Beat the soft cheese and sugar together. Whisk remaining cream until stiff, then fold into the cheese. Fold in the chocolate, followed by the chopped apricots. Pour into the prepared tin and chill for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  • Line a grill pan with foil. Cut remaining apricots into quarters, then place on the foil, cut sides up. Dust with icing sugar and grill for a few mins until lightly browned. Cool, then arrange over the top. Shave some white chocolate curls, then pile up in the center of the cheesecake and serve.

Baked banana cheesecake


For the base

  • 3 oz of butter
  • 6 oz of oat cookies , finely crushed
  • 2 oz  butter biscuits
  • 1 tbsp cocoa , plus extra for dusting
  • 1 tbsp salted peanuts , very finely chopped, plus 1 tbsp to scatter over (optional)

For the topping:

  • 2 small ripe bananas
  • juice 1 lemon
  • 2  cups of ricotta cheese
  • 1 cu of Greek yogurt
  • 4 large eggs
  • ½ tsp sugar-free vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp corn flour
  • ¾ cup of heavy cream


  • the butter in a pan and stir in the oat cookies, biscuits , cocoa, and the chopped peanuts until well coated. Press into the base of the tin to make a firm layer, then bake for 10 mins.
  • To make the topping, mash the bananas with the lemon juice in a large bowl, then beat in the ricotta, yogurt, eggs, vanilla, and corn flour until everything is very well mixed. Pour onto the biscuit base and bake for 10 mins,  at 400 F, then turn the oven right down to 280 F and cook for 25 mins more. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside to cool. When cold, chill for 3-4 hrs. (Cooling the cheesecake this way should prevent it from cracking.)
  • To serve, remove the cheesecake from the tin and slide onto a plate. Whip the cream until it just holds its shape, then smooth over the top of the cheesecake, lightly dust with cocoa and scatter over the peanuts.

Triple ginger cheesecake


  • 10 oz of  ginger biscuits
  • ½ cup of  unsalted butter
  • 1 ¾ cup of full fat cream cheese
  • ¼ cup of  icing sugar
  • juice ½ lemon
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • ½ cup of  Greek yogurt
  • 1/3 cup of crystallized ginger , chopped
  • roasted rhubarb or other seasonal fruit, for the topping


  • Pulse together the biscuits in the food processor or crush in a sealed bag until you get fine crumbs. Gently melt the butter, then mix into the crumbs.
  • Press the mass evenly into a 10 inch  loose bottomed round cake tin.
  • Chill in the fridge while you make the filling.
  • Put the remaining ingredients into a food processor and pulse until smooth.
  • Spread over the base, then smooth the top with a knife. Leave in the fridge overnight to set.
  • Remove the cake from the tin and top with roasted rhubarb (recipe, below) or your choice of fruit.

Orange-Roasted Rhubarb:

  • You will need 1 lb. of fresh  rhubarb.
  • Peel and trim the sticks into 1-inch pieces.
  • Place on a sheet tray.
  • Sprinkle with zest and juice 1 orange and 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar.
  • Cook for 10-15 mins in a 380 F oven until just soft.
  • Leave to cool.

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cheesecake


 For the Crust:

  • 15 chocolate graham crackers
  • 3 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. kosher salt
  • 4 tbsp. butter, melted

For the Cheesecake:

  • 4 (8-oz.) packages cream cheese, softened
  • 1 c. packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 4 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 c. creamy peanut butter
  • 3/4 c. heavy cream
  • 1/2 c. sour cream
  • Chopped Reese’s, for garnish

For the Chocolate Ganache:

  • 6 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 3/4 c. heavy cream
  • 1/8 tsp. kosher salt


Make the Crust:

  • Butter the inside of a 9″ springform pan. Set rack in middle of oven and preheat to 350°.
  • In a food processor or blender, grind chocolate graham crackers into fine crumbs. Add sugar and salt and pulse to combine. Transfer to a medium bowl, add butter, and use fork or fingers to blend mixture until crumbs are evenly moist. Press into bottom and about a third of the way up the sides of springform pan. Freeze 10 minutes.
  • Place pan on baking sheet and bake crust for 10 minutes. Set on rack to cool and reduce oven temperature to 325°.
  • Meanwhile, bring a medium saucepan or tea kettle full of water to a boil.

Make the Cheesecake:

  • In a large bowl using a hand mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer using the whisk attachment, beat cream cheese on medium, scraping down the bowl as necessary, until completely smooth, 3 to 4 minutes. Add sugar and salt and beat, scraping down bowl as necessary, until smooth and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Add vanilla and beat for 30 seconds.
  • Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating for 1 minute after each addition and occasionally scraping bottom and sides of bowl. Add peanut butter, heavy cream, and sour cream and beat on low until completely smooth and streak-free, about 1 minute. Pour cheesecake batter into cooled crust and smooth top.
  • Wrap bottom of springform pan with a double layer of aluminum foil and place in a large roasting pan. Pour in enough boiling water to come up halfway up sides of springform pan.
  • Bake cheesecake until top is just starting to brown and crack, about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Turn off oven, prop door open with wooden spoon, and let cheesecake slowly cool in water bath for 1 hour.
  • Remove roasting pan from oven, then carefully lift springform pan out of water and remove foil. Set cheesecake on rack and let come to room temperature. Once completely cool, loosely cover cheesecake with plastic wrap and refrigerate, 4 hours, or preferably overnight.

Polish Royal Cheesecake


For the cake:

  • 2 cups of wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 cup of butter
  • 3/4 cup of powdered sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of heavy cream

For the Cheese mass:

  • 3 lb. of farmer’s cheese
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • 5 egg
  • 1 cream pudding
  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 1/2 cup of raisins


  • Put the flour, powder, sugar, cocoa, butter, egg, cream in a bowl and knead the dough.
  • Divide the dough ball into 2 parts and put it in the fridge for an hour, then grate one part of the dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  • While the dough is resting in the fridge, I make the cheese mass. I put the ground white cheese, egg yolks, sugar, butter, and powdered pudding into the blender.
  • Mixes to combine ingredients.
  • Beat the proteins separately and then add them to the cheese mass.
  • Add raisins to the cheese mass.
  • Pour the ready one on the bottom of the dough and cover with the other part of the dough (also grate it)
  • Bake for an hour at 350 F  degrees

Mango Cheesecake


For the cake base:

  • ¾ cup of wheat flour
  • 3 oz of butter
  • 2 oz  of sugar

or biscuit base:

  • 4 oz  of butter biscuits
  • 2 oz  of butter

Fir the cheese cake:

  • 3 lb. of double ground farmers’ cheese
  • 2 cups of mango pulp (1 ¼  for cheesecake and ¾ cup  on top)
  • 3/4 cup of powdered sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 oz  of melted butter
  • ½ cup of  warm milk
  • 1 vanilla pudding
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla paste

For the top:

  • ¾ cup of mango puree
  • 1/2 teaspoon of agar
  • for decoration: pomegranate seeds and rosemary

for the cake base:

  • Put the flour, sugar, and butter in the blender bowl. We grind for a while until it has the consistency of wet sand. Line the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper, put the bottom on the paper and press it firmly with your hand. Put them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees (up / down heating function) and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly.

Or biscuit bottom:

  • Put the biscuits in the blender bowl and grind them for a while until they get the consistency of sand. Melt the butter and pour it into the grinding biscuits. Line the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper, put the bottom on the paper and press it firmly with your hand. We set aside.
  • When the bottom of the cake is baked, unzip the form and line the sides with a strip of baking paper so that it protrudes beyond the edge of the springform pan. At the bottom of the biscuits, line the sides of the mold right away.

cheese cake:

Put into the mixing bowl: cheese, mango, sugar, eggs, melted butter, warm milk and vanilla paste. Mix briefly, only to combine the ingredients, so as not to air the cheesecake too much. At the end of mixing, add the vanilla pudding. Pour the prepared mass on the bottom.

Put in a preheated and steamed * oven to 375 F degrees and bake: the first 20 minutes at 375 F  degrees, the next 60 minutes at 325 F degrees. After baking, open the oven door for about 15 minutes, then take the cheesecake out and cool it down.

*steam in the oven: heat the oven to 375 F degrees. Put the grid into the oven – on which our cheesecake will stand, and underneath, insert the oven tray. When our cheesecake is ready, put it on a wire rack, pour 1 ½ cup of  hot water on the baking tray and quickly close the door.

mango topping:

  • ¾ cup of mango pulp poured into a saucepan and heat up, bring to a boil. Pour a little water over the agar and let it stand for a while, then add the agar to the boiling mango.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Let it cool down.
  • When the Mango starts to harden (the agar freezes at room temperature), we put it into a cooled cheesecake.
  • Spread it thoroughly on the top. Decorate it with pomegranate seeds and rosemary.
  • Store the cheesecake in the refrigerator.
  • take it out about 1 hour before serving.

Tia Maria Cheesecake


For the biscuit crust:

  • 3 oz of  hot melted butter , plus extra butter for greasing
  • 14 plain chocolate digestive biscuits , finely crushed
  • For the cheesecake:
  • 3 x 10 oz  packs full-fat Philadelphia cheese
  • ¾ cup of  golden caster sugar
  • 4 tbsp plain flour
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp Tia Maria ( liquor)
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 ½ cup of carton sour cream

For the topping:

  • ¾ cup of sour cream
  • 2 tbsp Tia Maria (liquor)
  • cocoa , for dusting
  • 8 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, unwrapped


  • Prepare 12-inch baking form.  Line the base with baking parchment. Blend butter and biscuit crumbs. Press onto the base of the tin, bake for 10 mins, then cool.
  • Beat the cheese and sugar with an electric whisk until smooth, then whisk in the flour, vanilla, 2 tbsp Tia Maria, eggs, and sour cream.
  • Grease sides of the cake tin with butter. Pour in the mixture and smooth. Bake for 10 mins in 400 F, then turn oven down to 230 f for 25 mins. Turn off the oven, then open the door and leave to cool inside the oven for 2 hrs. Do not worry if it cracks a little.
  • Mix the soured cream and Tia Maria, then smooth on top of the cheesecake. Chill.

Honeyed Balsamic Cherry Cheesecake in a Triple Ginger Crust


  • 1½ cups fine gingersnap crumbs 
  • ¼ cup melted butter
  • 8 ounces Chevre with Honey  (or use another plain soft goat cheese and double the honey)
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 large eggs, separated
  • 1½ Tablespoon’s flour
  • ½ pound fresh Bing cherries or 8–12 ounces canned cherries
  • ¼ cup syrup from cherries, if desired
  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar (I used Chocolate Balsamic Vinegar from Navidi’s)
  • ¼ cup honey

Preheat oven to 350F.

For the crust:

  • In a medium bowl, combine the ginger snap crumbs and melted butter. 
  • press the crumb mixture into the bottom and up the sides of a 6-inch springform

To prepare the filling:

  • In a medium bowl, combine the goat cheese, honey, lemon juice and vanilla.  Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth and well combined.
  • Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the flour and mix on low until incorporated.
  • In a smaller bowl, beat the egg whites with clean beaters until soft peaks form. (They should be firm but not dry.) Stir 1/3 of the egg whites into the batter.  Add the remaining egg whites folding gently until they are incorporated.
  • Pour the batter into the ginger snap crust.
  • Bake at 350F for 40 minutes or until set. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
  • Once cool the cheesecake can be covered and stored in the refrigerator until ready to serve, up to several days.

To prepare topping:

  • While the cheesecake bakes, combine the balsamic vinegar, honey, and syrup from the cherries (if desired) in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a simmer over low heat.  Continue to simmer for approximately 15 minutes or until it begins to look syrupy.
  • Remove from heat and transfer the mixture to a bowl.  Refrigerate until cool.
  • Remove the cheesecake from the springform pan by running a knife along the outer edge and unlocking the side of the pan, pulling the pan away. Center the cheesecake on a serving platter.  Stir thoroughly drained canned cherries or pitted fresh cherries into the honey balsamic syrup.  Pour the cherry mixture over the top of the cheesecake.  It should settle into the slight depression in the center of the cooled cheesecake.  Slice and serve.

Cheesecake with white chocolate and salted caramel


For the Bottom:

  • 1 ½ cup of cereal biscuits or whole grain biscuits
  • 4 oz of butter

For the Cheese mass:

  • 3 lb. of semi-fat cottage cheese ground three times
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar
  • 1 cup of  heavy cream
  • 1 ½ cup of white chocolate
  • 7 eggs

For the Salted caramel:

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 8 tablespoons of  heavy cream
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of butter
  • a large pinch of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of salted peanuts


  • Crush the cookies in a food processor or crush them into the sand with a pestle, add the melted butter and mix. Bake the cheesecake in a water bath. For this you will need a cake form  about 12 inch in diameter,  lined with paper, wrap it around several times and tightly with aluminum foil, so that the water in which we put the form in does not get into the dough.
  • Transfer the butter and biscuits mass into the baking form, stick, even the bottom and sides and put in the fridge.
  • Melt  the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave and set aside to cool. Put all the ingredients for the cheese mass into a large bowl and mix only until the ingredients combine. Pour on the bottom. Place the tin in a large tray or a casserole dish, fill it halfway with boiling water and bake at 325 ° F for approx. 90 – 100 minutes. After baking, remove from the oven and cool.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, spread it over the entire surface and heat it over low heat until it dissolves and turns brown. Then add water, mix, and add cream, butter, and salt. Cook for 2-3 minutes, pour into a bowl, and set aside for the sauce to cool down and slightly thicken.
  • Before serving, pour the cheesecake with sauce and sprinkle with peanuts

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