Detox your brain !!

10 great tips how to clear the psyche of what infuriates us?

The brain is like a mega computer, but sometimes it crashes ( just like the one on Facebook recently, and then the results can be dreadful (literally)) , especially when an excess of emotions makes it difficult for us to contain tears of despair and shattered nerves. How to prevent it?

World Mental Health Day, which is celebrated on October 10,, gave me some ideas , how to calm the mind and stop worrying about what pollutes our psyche the most.

If you feel like you are falling into a black hole, or worse – into black despair – use the small steps method and start following the tips below to help you feel real relief. See what can make you feel better.

Top 10 ways to clear your mind

1. Talk to someone who loves you

The simplest methods are usually the most effective – without getting baffled and verbalized, it’s harder to systematize your thoughts. Often, the most frustrating things are easier to endure when we shed the burden of what hurts us the most.

Having someone to whom we can complain, contrary to appearances, is crucial for our mind and makes our brain … age slower – even by 4 years.

2. Be for yourself … be sufficient – avoid self-criticism

Knowing how to treat yourself in such a way as not to hurt yourself is not at all obvious. Many people are convinced that they do not meet someone’s expectations and more or less consciously doom themselves to be stuck in unnecessary tension.

Nobody has the right to judge us, and it often happens that we are the strictest reviewer for ourselves. If we learn to let go and be a little more kind, we’ll just be … happier.

3.  Visualize what you want to achieve

Meditation with visualization, i.e. imagining what we want to happen to us, is especially recommended for those who have anxiety attacks and are unable to control the racing of thoughts.

Instead of getting stressed and falling into despair, it’s better to use the method of small steps – the first of which is to realize what you really care about. If we know what we are striving for, it is easier for us to achieve it. Often the mere pursuit of dreams can give us greater satisfaction than achieving success.

4.  Play sports

It is worth exercising not only to improve the condition of your own body, but above all – for mental health.

There is no better way to de-stress after everyday duties than a solid dose of sport – not only will it provide us with a quick supply of endorphins that will improve our well-being, it will also allow us to take care of our figure and feel better in our own skin.

5.  Focus only on the essentials – don’t worry about the little things

“From general to detail “- says the old proverb, which is worth applying to the performance of daily duties.

We often feel terribly overwhelmed by an excess of urgent matters, and instead of getting frustrated, it is better to pay attention only to the most important issues and skip what is not worth spending energy on.

6. Meditate

If we meditate every day for 10-15 minutes, then after 8 weeks the functioning of the brain can be significantly accelerated – scientists from New York have proven in the pages of Scientific Reports.

The better we are trained in meditation, the more efficiently the lights “light up” between the two areas that allow us to turn our attention on or off. As a result, our mind becomes more pliable and flexible, and on top of that, it is easier for us to think.

7. Use aromatherapy

Nothing soothes the senses as a pleasant smell, thanks to which it is easier for us to calm down and control the excess of emotions after every day, extremely stressful duties.

If you want your psyche to remain intact, do not avoid the use of aromatic, natural aromatherapy oils – just add them to a special aromatic fireplace or prepare a fragrant bath with the addition of organic oils that perfectly regenerate both the body and mind.

8.  Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness training has been breaking popularity records in recent years. It turns out that this method, derived from Buddhist practices, has a great effect on our brain.

It is proven way you can not only calm the mind, calm down and get rid of excess emotions, as well as alleviate anxiety and prevent depression, but also improve the cognitive functions of the brain – especially in seniors.

9.  Spend more time in nature

Contact with nature soothes the psyche and makes us mentally stronger. Staying in areas covered with natural vegetation soothes the senses and perfectly calms us down from the excess of unnecessary emotions.

It turns out that young people also benefit most from their mental health if they are constantly in forest areas during a period of key importance for brain development.

10. Watch … the birds

Psychologists argue that nothing is so perfect to master the classic race of thoughts as observing nature – especially birds. Ornithologists or fishermen are usually oases of peace – contact with nature perfectly calms emotions, and in addition, it can contribute to lowering the level of blood pressure and helps in the fight against anxiety and depression.

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