DOG -Quotes

It is said to be man’s best friend. And I think every dog fancier will confirm that. Doggies  are with us for good and bad, they will always hug you when your heart is sad, warm you when your feet are cold, they will wag their tail when you stand in the door after work. They motivate people to walk, play and talk.

I grow up having a dog in the house. You may say, nothing special,  not an example of an expensive breed, but regular mott. But in my heart, the best of them all. Loyal friend, and just a ball of love and happiness… always accompanying me in all of my childhood adventures. And even though both of my childhood dogs are in doggy heaven now, they are terribly missed thill this day.

So, today I have decided to give you a collection of the best, most heartwarming, and lovable quotes about our favorite four-legged friends.


“A true friend will leave a pawprint on your heart.”

“The dog will be your best friend no matter what. People don’t always.”

 “You may have many best friends, but you only have one dog.”

“A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.”

 “If the puppies could talk, I would never even try to be friends with people.”

 “Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend has never had a dog.”

“Animals are best friends. They don’t ask questions, don’t criticize.” – George Elliot

 “Everyone is a Napoleon to their dog. That is why dogs are so popular.” – Aldous Huxley

 “Nobody appreciates the unique genius of your conversation like a dog.” – Christopher Morley

“I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog that doesn’t like a human.” Bill Murray

“All his life he tried to be a good man. He tried many times, but it failed. After all, he was only human. He was not a dog.” Charles M. Schulz

“I would like to become as good a person as my dog ​​thinks I am.” Edith Wharton

“A dog is the only thing on earth who loves you more than he loves himself.” Josh Billings

“Someone who has never had a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.” Bob Barker

“Dogs aren’t our whole life, but they make our life whole.” Roger Caras

“Life is so short and our pets spend most of their time waiting for us to come home.” John Grogan

“There is no friendship in the world that lasts forever. The only exception is that of a dog.” Konrad Lorenz

“The only completely disinterested friend one can have in this selfless world, one who will never leave it, never turn out to be ungrateful or treacherous, is a dog … the brutality of the world … When all other friends are gone, he will remain. ” George G. Vest

“If the dog looks at you and refuses to come near you, you should take a close look at your conscience.” Woodrow Wilson

Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend has never had a dog.

Every now and then people tell me, “Take it easy, it’s just a dog.” If you also think it’s “just a dog”, then maybe you are also using terms like “friend only”, “sunrise only”, “just a promise”. “Only a dog” brought to my life the essence of friendship, trust, and pure, untamed joy. “Only a dog” shows me the compassion and patience that make me a better person. Because of “just a dog” I get up in the morning, go for long walks and look calmly into the future. Because for me and people like me, it is not “just a dog”, but the embodiment of all hopes and dreams about the future, good memories and pure joy of the moment that lasts. “Only a dog” brings out what is good in me and distracts my thoughts from me and my everyday worries. I hope one day they will understand that it is not “just a dog”, but a being that teaches me to be human and makes me more than “just human.” Sandra Dee

You can buy a dog with money, but not wag its tail.

“He tells me thousands of times that I am his reason to live. By the way he cuddles to my leg, how he splashes his tail at my slightest smile.” Gene Hill

“Our ideal companions always have four paws.” Colette

“To sit with a dog on a hill at sunset is to be back in paradise when idleness is not boredom but peace.” Milan Kundera

“There is one aspect where animals are superior to humans – their gentle, serene joy in the present moment.” Artur Schopenhauer

“No one will fully understand the meaning of love if they didn’t have a dog. A dog will show you more affection with a flick of its tail than you can collect in a lifetime in shaking hands.” Gene Hill

Everyone thinks they have the greatest dog in the world. And everyone is right.

“Dogs don’t live too long. That’s their only drawback.” Agnes Sligh Turnbull

“Dogs die. But dogs live too. They live until they die. They live a brave, beautiful life. They protect their families. And they love us. And they make our lives a little brighter. And they don’t waste time worrying about tomorrow.” Dan Gemeinhart

“Dogs never die. They sleep in your heart.” Ernest Montague

 “A dog is the only thing on earth who loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings

 “Someone who has never had a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.” – Bob Barker

“The world would be a better place if everyone could love as unconditionally as a dog.” – MK Clinton

 “Happiness is a small, warm puppy.” – Charles Schultz

“If a dog is a man’s best friend, then that dog has a problem.” Edward Abbey

“A dog can teach a little boy to be faithful, persistent and to spin three times before going to bed.” Robert Benchley

“The dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” Josh Billings

“In order to have a proper view of one’s position in life, a person should have a dog to love him and a cat to ignore him.” Derek Bruce

“The greatest joy in owning a dog is that you can fool around in front of him, and he will not only not laugh, but also make a fool of himself.” Samuel Butler

“A dog should have more rights than a human, because it is a much more noble individual”. Joanna Chmielewska

“Dogs look at us with respect, cats with contempt, and pigs as equals.” Winston Churchill

“Dogs love friends and bite their enemies, unlike humans who are incapable of pure love and must always mix love with hate.” Sigmund Freud

“Life is like a dogsled. If you’re not in front, the view never changes.” Lewis Grizzard

“Women and cats will always do what they want, and men and dogs should relax and slowly get used to that thought.” Robert A. Heinlein

“Whoever came up with the saying that money doesn’t bring happiness has forgotten about cute puppies.”

“The dog is a virtue that could not become human.” Victor Hugo

“Everyone is a Napoleon to their dog. That is why dogs are so popular.” Aldous Huxley

“Charity is not about giving a bone to a dog. Charity is having a bone shared with a dog when you are as hungry as he is.” Jack London

“We are lonely on this random planet. Among all the life forms that surround us, no one but the dog has made a covenant with us.” Maurice Maeterlinck

“If dogs could talk, it wouldn’t be so much fun having them.” Andrew A. Rooney

“My husband and I are going to either buy a dog or have a baby. We have a hard time deciding whether to ruin our rug or our life.” Rita Rudner

“People are naive enough to believe in God, dogs are naive because they believe in people.” Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt

“I once saw a dog with this look in his eyes, a look of contempt that faded very quickly, and I am convinced that dogs basically consider people to be morons.” John Steinbeck

“I despise people who keep dogs. They are cowards who don’t have the courage to bite people on their own.” August Strindberg

“If you take a wretched dog over and make it prosper, it won’t bite you. This is the key difference between a dog and a human.” Mark Twain

“In the beginning, God made man, but seeing him so weak, gave him a dog.” Alfons Toussenel

“If the dog looks at you and refuses to come near you, you should take a close look at your conscience.”

Woodrow Wilson

“Dogs aren’t our whole life, but they make our life whole” – Roger Caras

 “I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. They are a role model for me.” – Gilda Radner

 “Once you had a wonderful dog, life became impoverished without him” – Dean Koontz

 “Until someone loves an animal, part of his soul remains unawakened” – Anatole France

“History is full of examples of dog loyalty than friend loyalty.” Guy de Maupassant

“My cocker is my most sincere admirer. He loves me without reading my books.” Rudyard Kipling

The more people I meet, the more I love dogs.

“To understand their meaning properly, everyone should have a dog to love him and a cat to ignore him.” Dr. Tom Cat

“Nobody appreciates the genius of your words more than your dog.” Christopher Morley

“The dog is the only creature in the world that loves you more than he loves himself.” Josh Billings

“My terrier doesn’t speak. Maybe that’s why I understand him.” Pierre Wolf

“The dog has beauty without vanity, strength without cruelty, and human virtue without human flaws.” Lord Byron

“I’ve seen a fleeting look of amused contempt in a dog’s eyes, and I believe dogs basically think humans are crazy.” John Steinbeck

The later you get home, the colder your stupid wife will be; the later you come home, the warmer the smart dog will be.

“Man is a dog’s idea of ​​what God should look like.” Holbrook Jackson

“My dog ​​can pride himself on being a congressman, recovering as a soldier, begging like a journalist, and playing dead as a receptionist when the phone rings.” Gerald Solomon, Congressman

The only way to buy a love of money is to buy a dog.

“There is no better psychiatrist in the world than a puppy licking your face.” Ben Williams

“I’ve seen a fleeting look of amused contempt in a dog’s eyes, and I believe dogs basically think humans are crazy.” John Steinbeck

The earth is inhabited by intelligent creatures called humans. Almost all of them are dog and cat property.

Whatever delicacy you add to your dog, the dog always suspects you have something better to eat.

Sometimes you are a dog, sometimes you are a hauler.

“If a man’s best friend is his dog, the dog is in trouble.” Edward Abbey

“A dog barking at the champion may not be a revolutionist. Maybe he just wants bones.” Gabriel Laub

“The gardener’s dog, although he has no interest in the porridge in his bowl, growls at anyone who comes close to her.” Lope de Vega

“It is very easy to understand a dog and learn to read his mind. A dog cannot change shape, he cannot cheat, he cannot lie because he cannot speak.” Alex Munthe

Dog life is usually the most complaining about those who have never had a dog.

If you want to understand your dog, you don’t have to bark at him immediately.

Only those who have never had a dog can understand how poorer life would be without dogs.

Unless you are in control of your dog, he will control you.

The more I meet people around me, the more I respect my dog!

If there are no dogs in paradise, I want to go where they left after I die.

“Man is a canine god. A dog knows no one else, he does not understand anyone else. All his canine soul dissolves into his god, all his powers are devoted to his service.” Burns

“Dogs adore their friends and bite their enemies, completely unlike humans who cannot appreciate pure love and must always mix love and hate.” – Sigmund Freud

   “If you are a dog and your owner will suggest putting on a tasteful sweater – suggest him a tasteful tail” – Fran Lebowitz

 “Life is so short and our pets spend most of their time waiting for us to come home.” – John Grogan

 “You can usually say a man is good if he has a dog that loves him.” – W. Bruce Cameron

 “Learn fidelity and forgiveness from a dog” – Bogumił Buczyński

 “Dogs have given us absolutely everything. We are the center of their universe. We are at the center of their love, faith, and trust. They serve us in exchange for food scraps. This is undoubtedly the best offer human has ever had.” – Roger A. Caras

  “Great people usually have such a big heart that there is always room for an honest dog in them” -Kornel Makuszyński

“In the beginning, God made man, but seeing him so weak, gave him a dog” – Alfons Toussenel

 “In order to have a proper view of one’s position in life, a person should have a dog that will love him and a cat that will ignore him.” -D. Bruce

“This happy country … where – after the dog they cry honestly and longer …” -Adam Mickiewicz

 “If a dog looks at you and refuses to come near you, you should look closely at your conscience.” – Woodrow Wilson

 “It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many things you may be poor, but having a dog you are rich” -Louis Sabin

 “Nobody appreciates the genius in your words as much as your dog does.” – Christopher Morley

About the author

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