Doggie Facts …

  • The shape of the dog’s face suggests how long it will live.  Dogs with sharp, pointed snouts that look more like wolves tend to live longer.  In contrast, dogs with very flat mouths, such as bulldogs, often have shorter lives.  Learn the best curiosities about dogs.
  • There are over 150 breeds of dogs, divided into 8 classes.
  • Dogs and humans have the same type of REM sleep, so dogs can dream.  Movements that occur while sleeping are signs that your pet is dreaming.
  • Puppies have 28 teeth and adult dogs 42.
  • Dogs are more than just our best friends.  Plato once said that “the dog has the soul of a philosopher”.
  • Dogs have a special membrane in their eyes that allows them to see better in the dark.
  • According to some studies, 45% of dogs have been found to sleep in the owner’s bed.
  • When a puppy is born, he is blind, deaf, and toothless. Hearing does not appear in them until the 13-17th day of life.
  • It has recently been discovered that dogs see color, although not as intensely as we do.
  • Dogs have 319 bones.  By comparison, a human has only 206 bones.
  • No two dogs’ noses are alike.  Everyone is different like humans; each fingerprint is also unique.
  • Dogs can be right or left footed.  You can see if we use the left or right paw more often to perform various activities.
  • Most dogs owned by anybody: 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kublai Khan.
  • The first chapel for dogs was established in 2001.  Johnsbur, Vermont, was built by Stephan Huneck, the author of a children’s book, whose five dogs helped him recover from a serious illness.
  • Dogs have sweat glands in the pads of their feet.  However, to cool down, just use a nozzle.
  • Dogs do not have as many taste buds as we do.  They have around 1,700 on their tongues and humans have around 9,000. Cats have only 473 taste buds.
  • Dogs’ noses secrete a thin layer of mucosa that helps them absorb the smell.  Then they lick their noses to taste the smell through their mouths.
  • A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than that of humans.
  • At the end of the Beatles song “A Day in the Life,” Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic sound that is only audible to dogs.
  • Dogs have three eyelids, an upper eyelid, a lower lid, and a third eyelid to help maintain moisture and protect the eyes.
  • Scientists believe humans and dogs first became best friends 30,000 years ago, and our close bond began in Europe during the Ice Age, when wolves, the ancestors of today’s domesticated dogs, were first tamed by ancient hunters.
  • Normal human body temperature is 98.6 F (37C), dog’s temperature is 100.4 F(38C).  This is one of the reasons fleas attack your dog and not you.
  • All dogs, regardless of breed, are direct descendants of wolves and are technically the same species.
  • Dogs can locate a sound within 6 hundredth of a second by using their rotating ears.
  • Dogs hear best at 8000 Hz, while humans hear best at around 2000 Hz.
  • While Chow Chow dogs are well known for their distinctive blue / black tongues, they are born with pink tongues.  At 8-10 weeks of age, they turn blue-black.
  • The most successful rescue dog ever was Bernardine Barry, who lived between 1800 and 1814 and saved 40 lives.
  • When dogs howl, they adjust the pitch of the sound depending on how other dogs sound so that their voice can sound special.
  • Dogs understand fairness and will refuse to play ball when asked to perform a trick if they do not receive the same reward as the dog for the same work.
  • In Iran, it is against the law to own a dog as a pet.  However, if the owner can prove that the dog is a watchdog or hunting dog, this restriction does not apply.  Muslim restraint towards dogs may be because rabies was common in the Middle East.
  • A large dog’s heart beats 60 to 100 times a minute and a small dog’s heart beats between 100-140 times a minute.  The human heart beats 60-100 times a minute.
  • Small amounts of grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.  Chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, or any caffeinated product can also be harmful.
  • Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic which can be fatal to dogs.
  • After the fall of Rome, human survival often became more important than the breeding and training of dogs.  Werewolf legends appeared around this time by abandoned dogs traveling in groups that roamed the streets and terrified people.
  • Dogs have over 200 million scent receptors in their noses and humans only have 5 million, so it is important that their food smells good to them.
  • The five favorite dog breeds in the United States are the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Beagle and Dachshund.
  • When the dog is wagging its tail to the left it means it is frightened, when it is wagging to the right it means it is happy.
  • French poodles were not from France, but from Germany.
  • Americans love dogs.  62% of American households have pets.
  • Unlike humans, a dog’s shoulder blades are not attached to the skeleton, allowing more flexibility when running.
  • Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and develop spots over time.
  • ​​George Lucas modeled the “Ewoks” from Star Wars after his family dog.
  • You can only lower your blood pressure by petting your pet.
  • A study by scientists at the University of California found that dogs can be jealous if they see their owners show love for someone else.
  • It is estimated that there are 400 million dogs in the world.
  • Have you ever wondered why your dog ignores your commands on a scout?  The researchers found that dogs disregard the bad advice of their owners.  Dogs will skip unnecessary activities if they find out that there is a more effective way to solve a task.
  • Dogs can remove 70% of their water from their hair in four seconds.
  • Dogs respond to the sound of a human crying with the same part of their brain that responds to dogs yelling.
  • Dogs do not have appendix.
  • The Irish Wolfhound is the largest breed of dogs.
  • Puppies and older dogs dream more than adult dogs.
  • The reason why dogs curl up in a ball is due to the age-old instinct of keeping warm and protecting vital organs while they sleep.
  • Bloodhound dogs can track odors that are over 300 hours old.
  • Humans and dogs are the only two species known to seek visual cues in the eyes of others.  Dogs only look for clues in human eyes.
  • Trained dogs can smell prostate cancer with 98% accuracy.
  • Letting your dog pee on a lamp post can be more dangerous than you think.  Acids in urine can corrode metal.
  • Dogs have 13 blood types, horses 8, cows 9, and humans only 4.
  • Dogs do not feel guilty.  If dogs eat all the cookies in the house, they may be ashamed of themselves, but do not expect them to feel guilty because they do not experience these emotions.
  • “Rin Tin Tin”, the famous German Shepherd Dog, was nominated for an Oscar.
  • The Australian Shepherd is not Australian – it is an American breed.
  • A dog can be as smart as a two-year-old, according to research presented to the American Psychological Association.  Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures and even perform simple math calculations.
  • The term “dog is man’s best friend” is used in various languages ​​around the world.
  • Dogs are known to detect a variety of ailments in humans, from cancer to diabetes.  Dogs may be able to smell a lot of organic compounds in the human body which show that everything is not working properly.
  • The oldest dog in the world died at the age of 29.
  • 3 dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic.
  • Dogs like to roll in dirt or litter because the smell of the garbage masks its own smell.  This was useful in the past when they were often exposed to danger.
  • Each dog has 99.9% of mitochondrial DNA the same as the gray wolf.
  • The most popular dog breed in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom is the Labrador Retriever.
  • Castration or sterilization of a dog may help prevent certain types of cancer.
  • The average city dog ​​lives 3 years longer than the country dog.
  • The earliest European images of dogs are found on cave walls and are 12,000 years old in Spain.
  • Every dog ​​on earth is likely descended from a species known as Tomarctus – a creature that roamed the earth more than 15 million years ago.
  • Newfoundland’s are wonderful swimmers because of their spider feet.
  • Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, reaching speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.
  • It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands when they are given in combination with gestures.
  • Obesity is the most important health problem in dogs.
  • Alexander the Great reportedly founded and named the city of Peritas in memory of his dog.
  • A one-year-old dog is just as physically mature as a 15-year-old man.
  • Dogs in a herd are more likely to chase and hunt than a single dog on its own.  Two dogs are enough to form a herd.
  • The Norsk Lundehund is the only dog ​​to have six toes on each paw.
  • Eighteen or more muscles may move a dog’s ear.
  • The oldest known dog bones were found in Asia and date back to 10,000 BC.
  • Husky dogs have been banned in Antarctica since 1994.
  • The Saint Bernard is the heaviest breed of dog in the world.
  • Dogs can see UV light and do not need a compass because they can sense the Earth’s magnetic field.  They are believed to hear some of the ultrasonic waves that bats use to navigate in the dark.
  • 96.60% of people include pets in family and holiday portraits.
  • Yawning is contagious – even for dogs.  Research shows that the sound of a human yawn can trigger it in your dog.
  • The ancient Egyptians worshiped their dogs, and when the dog died, the owners shaved their eyebrows.
  • In 1957, the dog Laika became the first living being in space sent by an Earth satellite.
  • A dog can locate a sound source in 1/600 of a second and hear sounds four times further than a human.
  • Based on human gestures and facial expressions, dogs can tell whether his behavior is normal, or whether the person has something on their conscience.
  • The Basenji is the only dog ​​breed that cannot bark but can yodel.
  • Touch is the first sense that a dog develops.  The entire body, including the paws, is covered with nerve endings that are sensitive to touch.
  • Dogs also see blue and yellow.
  • Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible.
  • Dogs are the domesticated form of the gray wolf. They separated from it about 125,000 years ago, which led to the emergence of a separate species about 40 to 15,000 years ago.
  • It is assumed that the beginnings of dog domestication took place about 17-12 thousand years ago. Dogs were used by hunters in Siberia to track down and transport prey.
  • Europe is certainly the oldest centers of dog domestication.
  • It is here, in Germany, Denmark and England, that the oldest remains of these animals were found.
  • In Idaho, the USA, a representative of the domestic dog already lived 10,000 years ago.
  • As a result of the dog’s domestication, its muzzle has shortened, its teeth have become smaller, and its eyes have become larger and rounder.
  • The oldest remnant of a domestic dog from Poland is about 6,000 years old and was found in the vicinity of Sandomierz.
  • There are 344 breeds of dogs in the world.
  • A dog can hear sounds at four times the distance of a human.
  • The dog can locate the sound source in 1/600 of a second.
  • They were used for hunting gazelles, antelopes, and hares.  They are still used for hunting in some regions of the world.  Their hunting instinct is extraordinarily strong.
  • Dogs can perfectly sense the Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Hearing is the second most useful sense for dogs. Too loud sounds can hurt dogs, so we should always keep this in mind.
  • Norsk Lundehund dogs have 6 toes in their paws.
  • Dogs grouped in a herd are more likely to chase and hunt than a single animal.
  • According to estimates, there are about 400 million dogs in the world.
  • There are over 200 million scent receptors in a dog’s nose. This is 40 times more than in humans.  Therefore, the dog’s sense of smell is so unique.
  • When dogs howl, dogs adjust the timbre of their voice to their surroundings so that their own howls stand out from the crowd.
  • The average dog’s sense of smell is 10-100 thousand times stronger than human.
Corgi dog smile and happy in summer sunny day
  • The number of olfactory cells varies depending on the breed of the dog.  Dachshunds have about 125 million and German Shepherds have 225 million.
  • Dogs’ paw pads are equipped with sweat glands
  • Dogs cool their bodies with their breath. Since dogs do not sweat (except for their paws), there would be no other way of regulating their body temperature.  Therefore, when we see a gasping dog, we can be sure that it is just cooling down.
  • Dogs, like humans, dream dreams.  When the dog moves strangely during sleep, he probably dreams something.
  • The oldest dog according to the Guinness Book of Records was Bluey, who lived for 29 years, 5 months and 7 days.
  • Freshly born puppies are not thermoregulatory, so left unattended they may chill to death.
  • Around 8-10 days of age the little dogs begin to open their eyes.
  • Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic. They were two Miniature Spitz and one Pekingese.

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