Famous animals in movies

Well, like most people, I love seeing animals on the screen and reading about them. I like both the animated and the real versions. I love animals and are the main characters since I read my first book in elementary school. Meanwhile, Hollywood serves us a lot of movies with animals in the key role every year. And trust me. I love almost all of them. for some reason, I still have a bigger sentiment to some, than to others. Nevertheless, the collection that I’m showing you today, represents some of my absolute favorite ones.

The Cat

The film’s unnamed cat was played by Orangey, who had already made a name for himself as an animal performer before making Breakfast at Tiffany’s. He has more credits on his IMDb page (yes, he has one) than some human actors, and won a Patsy Award from the American Humane Association for his work as Holly Golightly’s cat. Here are all of his scenes.


If every owner had a high-tech collar that translated their dog’s every passing thought, they’d probably hear many of the same lines that come from Dug in Disney Pixar’s Up. The animated pooch became a trusty companion for Carl and Russell in the movie. He also touched everyone’s heart with his memorable line, “I just met you, and I love you,”

Rin Tin Tin

Rin Tin Tin is a German Shepherd Dog, one of the first actors’ dogs. His story inspires and delights today. As a puppy, he was saved at the end of World War I. An American soldier found him in one of the post-German bunkers in France and took him with him overseas.

In Los Angeles, the dog was hired by the Warner Bros label and appeared in over a dozen famous productions. Rin Tin Tin lived with his master for fourteen years, and after his death, he returned to France, where he was buried in one of the dog cemeteries. His sudden death did not interrupt the legend that lives on even after ninety years.


Lassie is a famous Scottish Shepherd female dog that gained popularity thanks to the movie from the 1940s and its numerous remakes. Originally, Lassie is a character from the 1940 novel by Eric Knight.

Lassie was a friend of a little boy who lived in one of the American towns. Due to the crisis and the increase in unemployment, the boy’s father lost his job and the female dog had to be sold. Despite the distance of many kilometers and difficult adventures, Lassie returned home.


The Orca Whale was the hero of the story. He played Willy throughout all parts of the original movie trilogy. At the center of it all was Keiko, a trained orca discovered at an aquatic amusement park in Mexico City. The success of the films led to a “Free Keiko” movement, and the killer whale was eventually released into the wild in 2002 after five years of training to survive in the wild. Sadly, Keiko didn’t thrive in the open ocean; 10 days after being released near a pod of whales in Norway, Keiko returned to his pen, preferring human companionship, and being fed daily instead of having to hunt for food. Keiko passed away in 2006 at age 26.


The smart and adorable, a favorite pet of Famous Dr. Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( the 1954 version). A sea lion Esmeralda, living on the Nautilus submarine. Being nothing more than a funny, lovable, and loyal companion to the Capitan.


Garfield is an overweight, lethargic, arrogant, and free-spirited orange cat. He only loves sleeping, eating, and keeping his owner Jon to himself, especially after he adopts Odie the dog. And his most favorite thing in the whole world ?? Lasagna !!!!


The 1992 film had as many as five sequels (the last part was released in 2008). The Newton family, tired of the monotonous everyday life, adopts a puppy ( St. Bernard) who grows into a powerful, but a very polite and charming family member. The dog attracts the attention of all the neighbors and constantly gets into trouble. A family film that was very well received and loved by almost everyone.


This animal hero is a digitally generated bear. A curious traveler from the jungle, finding himself in hustling and bustling busy London. Staying with the family, he quickly becomes an unusual yet beloved member.

Paddington is the hero of the Michael Bond children’s book series, which has been with us since the late 1950s.


In the fairytale land of Shrek, there are plenty of captivating mythical creatures, but none are quite as endearing as Donkey. Sure, his motormouth might put you off taking him on a long journey, but he’s also fiercely loyal, knows how to sing, and voiced by Eddie Murphy, is undoubtedly hilarious. He says what the audience is always thinking: Shrek’s swamp house is, well, a bit of a dump, cake layers are tastier than onion layers. Sarcastic at first, yet a lovable, loyal friend, and, deep inside, he is a stallion, baby.


Who can forget the smart, linguistically talented parrot, who was teaching Dr. Dolittle all the animal languages? The loving, caring animal. Thanks to her kindness and knowledge, the good Doctor, was able to talk to the animal and see the wonders of the world.


Farm animals also got a film about one of them. Babe is a pig who received two film stories: “Babe – a pig with class” (1995) and “Babe – a pig in the city” (1998). An Australian farmer and his wife win a pig at a fair. The animal is raised by a female named Fly. Not to end up like other representatives of his species. Babe decides to prove himself as a shepherd dog.


The French-born rat,  with his sophisticated sense of taste and smell, become a chef in one of the most popular Paris restaurants. Such a big heart in a small package makes him one of the most beloved Disney characters.

Salem Saberhagen

Although for much of the series Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch was played by an animatronic puppet, several black cats would appear on set. Because of all the cat food, Melissa Joan Hart once admitted she wasn’t a huge fan of the felines, saying, “I’m a dog person.”  Another fun fact? Salem was on every single episode of Sabrina. He’s one lucky cat!


Filmed in Texas, this 1974 movie features a golden mixed breed dog named Benji who’s simply looking for a home. He longs to be part of the Chapman family and when their two young children are kidnapped, the pup doesn’t hesitate to step up. Benji helps the humans solve the case, leading the children back to safety, and earning a loving home in the process.


Just the cute-as-heck story of a 9-year-old girl and her best friend, who happens to be a seal. The whole store, unbelievably, is an adaptation of the book A Seal Called Andre, which in turn was based on a true story.


First Walt Disney, then Tim Burton created a world where we truly believe that elephants can fly. Yes, the plot is predictable, and the characters are drawn with broad strokes, but the actors bring subtlety and richness to the predictable tropes. It’s also nice to see child actors who maintain their innocence. The potentially dark story is still light enough for children.


Throughout the 1930s, Pete the Pup (Petey) was the most popular canine on the screen. Originally portrayed by Pal the Wonder Dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier, he immediately stood out thanks to the ring around his right eye. The 1994 film recaptures the mischief Petey got into with a handful of rascals in the Little Rascals series.

Fat Louie

The adorably lazy Fat Louie from The Princess Diaries was played by four different cats: one who allowed people to carry it, one who could sit still, one who could jump, and one who sits on the envelope at the end of the movie. Even cooler, one of the Fat Louie cats was Anne Hathaway’s real-life pet!


Is there a crustacean you’d like to hang out with more than The Little Mermaid’s Sebastian? Thought not. Not only is Sebastian wise, giving Ariel great advice throughout the film, which she proceeds to ignore, he is also the underwater kingdom of Atlantic’s best performer. Yes, “Part of Your World” is a nice musical-theatre ballad, but “Under the Sea” and “Kiss the Girl” is the film’s real bangers, and they both come courtesy of Sebastian. Plus, “Under the Sea” won an Oscar and a Grammy, so he’s the Meryl Streep of sidekicks, right?


Running from 1964 until 1967, the TV series Flipper followed the adventures of a bottlenose dolphin who was the sort-of pet of a pair of Florida youngsters. The role of Flipper was originally played by a dolphin named Suzie, with five other dolphins also playing the role throughout the series — all of whom were female, as female dolphins were deemed to be less aggressive and easier to train than males.

Pongo and Perdita

More than three decades after Disney’s animated movie first hit the screen, 101 Dalmatians fans everywhere were gifted with a live-action film full of polka-dotted pups. A fairytale love romance of both humans and dogs unexpectedly turns sour after a former boss vows revenge using a litter of Dalmatians.


There’s no place like home and there’s no animal sidekick quite as iconic as The Wizard of Oz’s Toto. OK, so he doesn’t do much, but he is Dorothy’s beloved pet and sticks by her on the winding trip down the yellow brick road. For that, he belongs in the animal sidekick hall of fame.


The talking Guinee Pig almost stole the show. Bonus sassiness points for Chris Rock’s voice work. No wonder then that’s the little piggy was cracking jokes and being sarcastic.


Season 3 of the legendary ’90s show Full House introduced the family’s Golden Retriever named Comet. After his mother Minnie gave birth to a litter in the Tanners’ backyard, the pup was given to them as a thank you present. Eventually, the family settled on the name Comet and since then, his legacy has continued on the show’s reboot Fuller House.


Harry Potter’s snowy owl sacrifices herself to save Harry and Hagrid, but let’s remember her in happier times, delivering mail to her beloved owner. Gizmo, a snowy owl, played Hedwig in the Harry Potter series (2001–2011). Hedwig was also played by Ook and Sprout. Ook was presumably one of the extra owls used for flying shots. In further  movies those animal actors  were played by  owls Kasper, Swoops, Oh Oh, Elmo and Bandit


With a diamond star on his forehead and four white socks, this miraculous horse becomes a legend when he survives after being stranded in no man’s land during World War I. The emotional story is shone in “The War Horse” movie.


Don’t let his appearance fool you: Max the dog is as loyal as they come. Throughout the Grinch’s mischievous adventures, the sweet dog serves as the story’s source of humor, always keeping an eye out for his master. He even agreed to play the Rudolph reindeer, to kind of help the Grinch Stole the Christmas

Stuart Little

 It’s the story of a mouse who is raised by the Littles, a human family who learns to dream big and live large when they think little- Stuart Little. As Stuart embarks on adventures with a variety of characters, including his nemesis, Snowbell the cat, Stuart learns the true meaning of family, loyalty, and friendship.


Before making Oscar history with his amazing thriller Parasite, Bong Joon-ho delivered this unique and touching adventure story. Okja tells the story of a young Korean girl who raises a genetically modified pig as her pet, which becomes the target for several interested parties.

The titular pig is certainly an odd-looking pet, but it’s easy to fall completely in love with the animal. The comical appearance of Okja brings a lot of laughs while its fight for survival in a cruel world is heartbreaking.


Tom Hanks can become friends with literally anyone, and that includes a scruffy, oversized French Mastiff named Hooch. After begrudgingly taking in the dog, police officer Scott Turner (Hanks) ends up getting help from him to crack the case of his murdered owner. The two create a bond for life.


In 1969, the Mystery Machine made its debut with four teenagers and one Great Dane in it. Although Scooby-Doo can’t speak, his gang of mystery solvers has no trouble communicating with him, especially his best friend Shaggy. Who doesn’t love always hungry, and always cowardly Great Dane Scooby-Doo??


Formally known as Clifford the Big Red Dog, this Labrador Retriever is larger than life with a sweet personality. Devoted fans of the TV show see their favorite dog in a new light when Clifford decides to join a traveling animal show, but things don’t exactly pan out the way he thinks.

Lady and the Tramp

There’s nothing quite like a love story between two precious dogs. The 1955 classic animated movie remains close to the hearts of many who love dogs and the idea of love itself. You might just be inspired to go out and adopt your own American Cocker Spaniel and named her Lady.


How to Train Your Dragon is set in a Viking community that makes it their mission to fight the dragons that invade their lands. Hiccup is a young boy who is not very talented at fighting dragons, despite his best efforts.


Pluto, the yellow dog is one of the most recognizable characters from Walt Disney’s fairy tales. He is one of Mickey Mouse’s most faithful companions – both in movies and series and in comic book pages.

It has never been made clear what race Pluto is. He can be considered a typical hybrid, which is characterized by a great deal of intelligence and humor. It has been entertaining children and adults for over ninety years. His image is found on hundreds of toys and gadgets.

In conclusion: if you want to add some more to the list if you think I might skip some of the great ones, write them in the comments

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