Healthy veggie and fruit juices…

Vegetable and fruit juices are the secret green weapon that will strengthen your immunity, nourish, and revive you from the inside. It is a boost of fresh vitamins and antioxidants, combine for your benefit. With a blender and juicer at home you can prepare a sensational drink in a few minutes, sometimes seconds. You do not have to spend a fortune on extremally, brand name kitchen equipment. And it will not cost you a fortune, to buy a healthy juice, every day, in fancy, and expensive, juice bar.  The most important thing, to remember, that is you do not have to be advanced in culinary arts. Making homemade juices and smoothies is extremally easy.

How to prepare fruit and vegetables for a smoothie?

Fruit – like apples or pears – scrub with a new sponge, but do not peel the skin, just remove the seeds. Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Bananas only for the blender. All citrus fruits, peeled, but keep the white fiber, between the segments.

The ideal ratio is one part fruit and 3 parts vegetables.  You must remember that fruit has a lot of sugar. But at the end of the day, it is your juice, and all you like it (of course in moderation) can end up in the blender or juicer. You can make the healthy drink both ways, which ever you prefer. I usually throw mine in the blender, and I keep lots more veggies compare to the fruit’s ratio.

Energy juices – what to make them from?

The juice that provides energy, vitamins and nutritional value is best composed of several ingredients. Thanks to this, we can combine beneficial properties and create a mix of what is best for the needs of our body and mind. Below you will find examples of the nutritional values ​​of selected vegetables and fruits. Nevertheless, the variety of all fruits and vegetables, will let you modify your creations on the daily basis.  It is a good idea to mix them together to create fresh blends of energizing juices:

Fruits that give you energy:

  • Grapefruits – They are rich in fiber and vitamin C.
  • Kiwi – 3 oz contain as much as 93 g of vitamin C (that is more than a lemon!)
  • Blueberries – They are rich in antioxidants.
  • Pineapples – they contain manganese.
  • Bananas – contain large amounts of potassium.
  • Apples – contain pectin’s (soluble fiber) and flavonoids.
  • Strawberries – contain vitamin C and fiber.

Vegetables that give you energy:

  • Carrots – contains vitamin A, carotene, fiber and B vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, and iron.
  • Avocado – 3 -4 oz contains 13.4 g of fiber, vitamins A and B, vitamin E, folic acid, and potassium.
  • Kale – contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, sulforaphane (a powerful antioxidant), potassium, sodium, and protein.
  • Celery – contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • Broccoli – contains vitamin C, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, and potassium.
  • Beets – contain protein, fats, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins

Additional ingredients: 

  • Coconut water
  • Plant based milk.
  • Cocoa powder
  • Nuts and seeds (chia, flaxseeds, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, oats)
  • Honey

1. Kiwi-flavored cocktail – for strong bones

1 soft kiwi

1/2 fennel

1 seeded cucumber

2 handfuls of spinach

2 stalks of celery

1 sweet apple

a handful of fresh basil leaves

6 kale leaves

2. Tomato smoothie for greater immunity

2 large and ripe tomatoes

a large handful of fresh spinach

1 green or red bell pepper

6 basil leaves

the juice of one large lemon or 2 small limes

dash of hot sauce (optional)

3. Roman holiday cocktail for cleansing

2 cups of Romaine lettuce

½ honeydew melon

1 lemon

¼ cups of fresh basil

Pinch of salt

2-3 ice cubes (optional)

4. The apple-coconut cocktail of extra hydration

1 large apple

100 g of honeydew melon

2 mint leaves

1 pinch of turmeric

250 ml of coconut water

1/2 of a kirby cucumber

5. Raspberry cocktail for prettier skin

juice from 1 lemon

juice from 1 orange

2 beets

3 stalks of celery

1 carrot

a handful of fresh basil

a cup of raspberries

6. Beetroot cocktail for more power

2 medium beets

2 pears

about 2-inch piece of ginger

½ teaspoon of salt

1 salad cucumber

the juice of half a lemon

7. Carrot juice for quick regeneration

2 large carrots

1 apple

2 handfuls of fresh spinach

100 g of green cabbage

1 cm of ginger

100 g strawberries (can be frozen)

250 ml of strong green tea

8. Healing carrot, ginger, and turmeric cocktail

5 – 6 carrots

2-inch piece of fresh ginger

1 – 2 oranges

½ teaspoon turmeric

½ teaspoon of pepper

3 teaspoons of parsley

1 teaspoon of honey optional

9. Freshly squeezed green juice

3 large handfuls of kale leaves

1 grapefruit

1 pear

1 inch piece of fresh ginger

1 lemon

3 stalks of celery


10. Freshly squeezed green juice

1 large cucumber

1 pear

1 lime

2 handfuls of kale leaves

1 handful of mint leaves

a slice of ginger


11. purple juice for keeping brain and memory sharp.

¼ medium red cabbage, sliced.

1 large cucumber peeled and cut into chunks.

1 cup fresh blueberries

1 cup of pomegranate seeds

1 large apple cut into eighths.

Ice cubes (optional)

12. Spinach-Apple Juice, green nutrient powerhouse loaded with calcium for bone health.

1 ½ cups spinach

½ grapefruit, peeled, white pith removed.

2 green apples cut into eighths.

1 inch piece peeled fresh ginger.

2 large stalks celery

Ice (optional)

13. Strawberry-Cucumber Juice, summer sweetness in the glass

6 fresh strawberries,

1 large cucumber peeled and cut into chunks.

1 large red apple cut into eighths.

2 medium carrots, peeled.

Ice (optional)

14. Swiss orange juice, vitamin C bomb

2 cups of swiss chard

1 grapefruit

1 orange

1 tangerine

½ bulb of fennel

15. morning glory

1 cup of blueberries

1 ½ cu of fresh mango

½ avocado

1 tablespoon of honey

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

1 ½ cup of coconut water

3 – 4 raw almonds

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