Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola – which  ingredients  you should not skip on…?

What is granola??

A nutritious and nutritious breakfast will give you strength and energy for the rest of the day. Nowadays , many of us go out, or run out of the house with an empty stomach. It is the morning rush that makes us forget about eating. Homemade granola prepared on a lazy weekend can be extremally useful  throughout the week. Its appearance alone encourages you to eat! With regular dairy  milk, soy milk or maybe natural yoghurt – which ever  combination would you like? Everyone homemade granola will differ, and it is basically what you like, will find the way to the granola pot. Below, I pot the list of the most popular ingredients, that is you should not forget, while making your own granola. Nevertheless, there is plenty more additional ones ( what ever you like ) to add to it , like coconut, dried papaya, dried pineapple, dried raspberries or strawberries, chocolate bits , or cocoa nibs.  Some of them you can add before baking, some of them ( if you are adding any fresh fruits, or chocolate), its wiser to adda after the oven part is done. If you need extra sweetness, you can add some honey or Agave syrup before it will be roasted.

How to make homemade granola and what ingredients to use?



If you only associate oatmeal with a bad breakfast in kindergarten,  or food in the hospital for sick people, it is time to change your mind about it. Just because they are extremely healthy and valuable, does not mean they are unpleasant. Crunchy and delicately sweet with honey, they will steal many hearts. Like a magic brush, oatmeal cleans the digestive tract and regulates the metabolism. They contain not only a lot of fiber, but also a lot of vitamins and minerals (for example B1, B2, B6, K, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese). They are irreplaceable in a recipe for granola.


Nuts are a delicious addition to Granola. There is no need to convince anyone about peanuts. Crunchy and delicate in taste, they will give granola an interesting character. You can keep them raw, or use the lightly salted ones, for unique flavor.   Peanuts are not only delicious, but also nutritious. They have a lot of protein; they are a rich source of vitamin PP and antioxidants. Peanuts are not your favorites? Replace them with those you love. Walnuts, cashews, macadamia , hazelnuts, pistachios , pecans, will do the work perfectly.

Sesame seeds

As you can see, homemade granola is not only a tasty but also an extremely healthy snack. Therefore, it must not be complete without sesame, which unfortunately is not often found in our homes. We traditionally associate sesame only with Sushi.  Do you think sesame has no special properties? It is  quite the opposite. Vitamins from the group A, B, E, minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, lots of fiber and protein – all this can be found in an inconspicuous sesame.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are approximately 36% oil and 23% protein. They are a source of vitamins E, B1, B2 and B3. In addition, they contain minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Sunflower seeds provide omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for cellular metabolism and for reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cardiovascular disease. What’s more, they contain two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, which support the proper functioning of the intestines.


Time for cranberries! To make the recipe for granola even healthier and more colorful, it is worth adding cranberry, which, although some associate it with meat, will also work perfectly in the case of granola. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, but also as a probiotic supporting the growth of the intestinal microflora.

Chia seeds

Who would have thought that these tiny seeds are such a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The grains, not distinguished by a specific taste, but pleasantly crunchy. They support the cardiovascular system; help fight bad cholesterol and delay the aging process of cells. It is a perfect ingredient not only for homemade granola, but also for desserts and cocktails.


It’s  time for almonds. A good ingredient in granola, but only for people who are not allergic to them. Almond has been hailed the king of nuts for a reason. It hides a lot of vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. One could talk and write endlessly about the health benefits of almonds.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein. 100 g of seeds of this vegetable covers about 54% of our daily requirement for this component of the daily diet! They also contain essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) that help lower cholesterol and help in the proper functioning of the circulatory system. Pumpkin seeds also contain B vitamins, vitamin E, folic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, so it is worth eating them if we suffer from a deficiency of any of these ingredients. They also contain cucurbitacin, which helps get rid of intestinal parasites.


If you want your granola to be even sweeter, add raisins, dried fruits known and liked by almost everyone. Raisins help in the fight against constipation and contain a large dose of potassium, which helps to regulate the work of the circulatory system and thus counteracts arterial hypertension.


Flaxseed is known primarily for its high content of alpha-linolenic acid (part of the omega-3 fatty acids). In addition, it also provides a wide variety of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. All the nutrients work together as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and anticoagulants. They are also especially useful if you suffer from constipation or inflammation of the intestines.


Apricots will work great in homemade granola. Choose those dried naturally, without the use of sulfur dioxide marked on the packaging with the mysterious E220 symbol. Apricots, cultivated over 4,000 years BC, are a real wealth of vitamins and minerals. They support the proper functioning of the immune system, which is extremely important in the gloomy autumn and cold winter.


How to prepare homemade granola?

It is exceptionally easy!

Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl (2 cups of oatmeal and the remaining additions, depending on your preferences).

Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, 1 tablespoon of cane sugar and 3 tablespoons of melted butter to the dry ingredients.

Carefully combine all the ingredients and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Bake for 90  minutes 9 1 hour and a half)  at 200 F ( 100  C)degrees. You must remember to mix it mix it thoroughly every 15 minutes, so all bits and pieces will get toasted.

Mix wit any additional ingredient , if desired, and Enjoy :))

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