How to relax?

Those are the  best ways to relax at home

These Days, stress and tense atmosphere accompany us at almost every stage of life. It is very important to find your own way to relax and get rid of negative emotions. Relaxation is an essential part of life; it allows you to gather strength and clear your mind. How to relax and unwind?

Each of us needs relaxation, but it turns out that many people cannot or do not know how to effectively and safely relax and rest. In today’s world, it is sometimes difficult for us to switch off and we do not always fully control our emotions.

When we have too much on our minds, stress and anxiety quickly arise, and these in turn wind up a whole spiral of negative emotions. If you need a moment of relaxation, do not use sedatives or sleeping pills, but choose natural ways to relax. Below you will find 6 examples of how to relax with the help of nature.

Relaxation – why is it so important?

Feeling out of control over your own life and emotions can be exhausting and tiring, both psychologically and physically. No wonder that sometimes-increased levels of stress or anxiety are accompanied by psychosomatic symptoms, such as excessive sweating, increased heart rate or upset stomach.

Of course, these symptoms vary depending on the individual characteristics of each person, but it is worth knowing a few universal natural methods for calming down and relaxing.

In addition to limiting these factors that trigger unwanted physiological or emotional reactions in us, it is also worth taking care to be able to fully calm down and relax. Each of us needs to be alone with our thoughts from time to time.

Long bath

Preferably in the bathtub! Hot water, lots of foam and essential oils are a recipe for success. Set a few candles, prepare wine or a cool drink, and enjoy a longer-than-usual, relaxing bath.

Hot water works great with tension, helping to loosen muscles. On the other hand, aromatherapy soothes the mind, so it is worth adding a few drops of fragrant substance to the bath. Many of the essential oils also have a healing effect, reducing headaches, joint pains or regenerating the skin. So, relaxing in the bathtub will help you to forget about the hardships of the past day, and it will also have a relaxing effect on your body.

It is best to prepare yourself something that you can take care of while relaxing in the bathtub. A good book, newspaper or an interesting series will make your time pleasant and additionally help distract your thoughts from problems.

Home movie marathon

There is probably no person who would not like to laze around with their favorite movie or series. Hence, another method of interesting relaxation at home is a home session. A new season of your series has appeared, but you have not had time to watch it due to your busy schedule. Friends recommended an interesting movie, but you always put it off for a better time. Time to catch up!

While screen time is not always as developing as reading books, we all need a bit of intellectual rest from time to time. So, if you have a free evening and no ideas to de-stress, stock up on aromatic tea or a glass of wine, jump under a warm blanket, turn on your laptop or TV and move into the carefree world of series. Rest and fun guaranteed!


Turn on a meditation CD or app to relax for 20-30 minutes before plunging into the everyday life: work, home, cooking, family.

Find the style of meditation that suits you best. It could be yoga nidra, or yoga dream – a relaxing type of meditation with pleasant music and the sounds of the sound of the waves and the singing of birds.

Informative detox

An informative detox is a good way to have a successful and effective rest. We turn off everything – TV, laptop, telephone (especially telephone!), Radio and cut off all notifications. Nowadays it is difficult to cut off information so completely, I have the impression that sometimes you would have to go to places where there is no coverage. The phone is tempting. Just take a look for a minute; check your mail; maybe check Facebook and Instagram, and then it becomes an hour imperceptibly. Informational detox is a great remedy for fatigue, especially as we spend more and more time online.

We should appreciate the offline moments more and make sure that we cut off the Internet completely at least one day a week. By limiting access to information from the outside, we are finally able to hear our own thoughts. It is known that my best ideas are born in complete silence and after cutting myself off from the Internet.

Legs up

If you work standing all day, if your job requires standing or walking for a long time, this is the way for you. after all day, especially if it is still hot outside, your ankles may be swollen and your legs tired. Lie on the floor with your straight legs upright against the wall. The blood flows to the heart in this way and helps to prevent varicose veins in the lower limbs.

Contact with nature

How to relax and take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle? Go to a quiet, peaceful place surrounded by greenery and enjoy nature. Relaxing in the garden, forest or walking along an isolated path is a great way to calm your nerves and calm your emotions. By being close to nature, your thought processes begin to function in a slightly different, more slower, and harmonious way. Your perception of stimuli is also changing.

Creating an oasis of peace in the garden or on the balcony can also be relaxing, especially for those who like active rest. Surrounding yourself with vegetation will allow you to take a deeper breath and calm your emotions in a friendly environment. Moreover, the color green has a relaxing and relaxing effect on the human mind. People struggling with blues and depression are recommended to paint the walls green.

A cup of tea

a very simple way as it sounds, but how effective. Brew a cup of good calming tea to separate the next part of the day from stress at work. Choose one or a combination of these teas: chamomile, lemon balm, verbena, or lemongrass.

Power nap

Scientists have long proven that the so-called power naps are beneficial for our health. These short naps quickly regenerate the body, raise energy levels, and improve concentration and productivity. It is important that they do not last longer than 20-30 minutes. If we have a moment after a hard and stressful day, it is really worth taking a nap for 15-30 minutes. The point is not to fall into a deep sleep, it is enough to close our eyes and lie down in a light half asleep. It is important not to drag such a nap any longer, it is even worth setting an alarm clock, because then we will feel heavy and lethargic.

An evening with a book

How to relax every day? Best by immersing yourself in another world. An addictive, interesting book will help you take your mind off your current affairs and problems. Reading broadens your knowledge and horizons, contributing to your self-development.

Reading books is one of the best ways to relax. Thanks to it, you are able to calm your emotions and focus on the story you are telling. Reading also develops your empathetic capacity, as you need to empathize with the characters while reading it.

By reading a book 30 minutes before going to bed, you avoid looking at the computer, TV, or telephone screen. This, in turn, significantly improves its quality and length. A healthy sleep means a calmer, more relaxed and healthier you. So, let us replace the phone with a book and delve into reading.


Balasana (baby pose) is especially useful. Its main advantage is that it makes you calm down. Kneel on the floor, sit on your heels with your knees slightly open. Exhale. Place your stomach on your thighs and rest your head on the floor with your arms along each leg with the palm of your hand facing up.

Outdoor activities

How to relax and let go of negative emotions? Bet on active recreation! Jogging around the park, bike rides or yoga classes are a great way to relax through exercise. By being physically active, you can get rid of negative thoughts, refresh your mind, and let it relax.

Movement is important not only when losing weight. First of all, it allows you to stay in good shape and thus feel better. What form of physical activity you choose is not important. Both swimming and  walking , will relax the muscles, releasing the stored stress.

What happens in your brain while you move is also important. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, known as happiness hormones. They are responsible for the feeling of pleasant fatigue after exhausting training. Endorphins are very important because they destroy the stress hormone cortisol. Thanks to regular movement, and thus making them, you will be much calmer and more relaxed.


even if your everyday work is not extremely stressful, it is really worth adding massage to your list of relaxation methods. It is really worth going for a massage that will relax tense muscles. The muscles stop stress, and the massage causes them to evaporate. Even 30 minutes will allow you to relax and forget even a little about everyday life. If you have the opportunity, why not make it your monthly ritual?

Day off

Of course, there are days when this fatigue builds up and none of the activities I mentioned help, the body is simply exhausted, weakened, immunity drops, we start catching infections, we feel burned out. This is a signal that it is time to take the day off. A day when we allow ourselves to be completely lazy without remorse. Nothing will suddenly collapse if we cut ourselves off from work, household chores and decide to rest for one day.

It can be done. When we have the absolute right not to think about work, cleaning the house or cooking. On the contrary, a little deserved laziness will be useful to our body and will help regenerate vitality.

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  1. Wow super pomysły😊 Ja osobiście uwielbiam czytać i to mnie relaksuje choć czasem przez wciągającą książkę długo nie idę spać😁 Taki dzień wolnego jest ważny ja robię sobie taki dzień leniuchowania raz na kwartał i wtedy nie idę do szkoły☺️☺️☺️

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