National Pizza Day – February 9th

In the calendar of unique holidays, we can find several proposals related to food. There is also pizza in it, so no one should be surprised. This is one of the most popular and delicious dishes in the world. International Pizza Day falls on the 9th of February, but in Brazil, for example, Pizza Day is celebrated on August 31, and in Italy, Pizza Day is celebrated on January 17, the day of St. Antoni, recognized as the patron saint of pizza makers. It is difficult to determine who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating International Pizza Day. One thing is for sure, he had to be her fan. In the USA this day is celebrated as National Pizza Day. You can also risk a statement that they celebrated already in the 18th century Neapolitans, where pizza known in its modern form was created. What are the celebrations of this day like today? Many pizzerias offers special promotions, such as two pizzas for the price of one, unlimited entry for all types of pizza, free extras, free delivery. Some even organize pizza events in the lead role. In Poland, it took place, for example, in Łódź (apparently this city is the place where most pizzas are ordered in the whole country), where on Piotrkowska Street you could eat in several restaurants try a special festival pizza, which is not available on a daily basis. Among the proposals, among others pizza on a bread bottom with red onion jam and porchetta or with spinach, feta and chicken. For fans of sweet – pizza with chocolate. No There were also no options for vegetarians, i.e. a pie with baked beetroots, caramelized onions, marinated tofu a’la feta, vegan mozzarella and fresh arugula.

History of Pizza

the history of Pizza, or rather dishes similar to it, goes back to ancient times. Round pancakes were eaten by the ancient Romans and Greeks, who invented round bread covered with vegetables, olives, spices, and olive oil. Rather then, the terms “pissa” or “pita” were used, but the concept of the dish is very similar. First documented use the word “pizza” is dated to AD 997 – it is a document for renting a house in Gaeta, north of Naples. The tenant has promised to pay the owner for pork and pizza, but even then the “pizza” was pieces of bread. Historians have also found a pizza recipe chef of the pope from around 1570, but it was a cake made of almonds and sugar. It is now assumed that the pizza known today was created in Italy when tomatoes appeared in this country, discovered in America. On the Apennine Peninsula, the first pizzerias were also opened in the 18th century, the oldest is Antica Pizzeria opened in Naples in 1738. Initially, pizza was considered to be the food of the poor, but then it won the hearts and stomachs of even kings. Sometimes the popularity was so great that one of them was visited by King Ferdinand II of Bourbon himself, thus contributing to the growth of the popularity of pizza. The King of Naples, Ferdinand, even ordered a brick pizza oven to be installed in his summer residence. Then came the turning point that we all heard about. The King and Queen of the newly reunited Italy has come to visit to Naples in 1889, and Queen Margarita gladly tried the local specialty. The cook Raffaelo Esposito served

Modern Day Pizza

It is now assumed that the pizza known today was created in Italy when tomatoes appeared in this country, discovered in America. On the Apennine Peninsula, the first pizzerias were also opened in the 18th century, the oldest is Antica Pizzeria opened in Naples in 1738. Initially, pizza was considered to be the food of the poor, but then it won the hearts and stomachs of even kings. With time, the popularity was so great that one of them was visited by King Ferdinand II of Bourbon himself, thus contributing to the growth of the popularity of pizza. The King of Naples, Ferdinand, even ordered a brick pizza oven to be installed in his summer residence. Then came the turning point that we all heard about. The King and Queen of the newly reunited Italy visited Naples in 1889, and Queen Margarita was eager to try the specialty there. Chef Raffaelo Esposito served Queen Margaret of Savoy with three types of pizza, including a new version with mozzarella. The dish had three ingredients that represented the colors of Italy: apart from mozzarella (white), it was basil (green) and tomatoes (red). The story says that the queen chose the third one because it reminded her of the Italian flag. This is how the Margherita pizza was born. But it wasn’t the queen who triggered the global trend. Pizza was popularized all over the world by Italy’s poorest immigrants. At the beginning of the 19th century, there was a massive migration from the south of Italy to the United States. And of course, they took their recipes with them. There they opened Italian restaurants and served Italian specialties. The first pizzeria in the USA was opened in 1895 in New York. Although pizza conquered the world, it gained real popularity only after World War II. Americans say the pizza was created by Neapolitans but donated to the world by Americans. When the Americans came to Italy at the end of the war, they said they love pizza, so they brought it back to the United States. Previously, it was located mainly in Italian-American culture, but after the war, it has become a dish that everyone eats. Different types of pizzas in the USA have developed due to the needs and populations of different areas. Also in Italy itself, pizza remained a Neapolitan thing by many years – before World War II, it was barely known north of Rome and did not achieve immediate success. She came along with internal migration in the 1950s and 1960s.

Contemporary Pizza

Officially, there are about 50 types of pizza, but in fact, this dish has hundreds of different variants, depending on country, ingredients, and the idea of ​​the person who prepares it. In addition to traditional types of pizza such as Margherita, capriccioso or Neapolitan, people use ingredients such as banana, pineapple, shrimp, tuna, salmon, or egg. Approximately everyone 5 billion pizzas are eaten in the world every year. Pizza is an interesting challenge for people specializing in breaking records. So things like Pizza weighing 23 tons, 40 meters in diameter, or one that is 1.5 kilograms in length (Guinness record).

We love our pizzas, and they come in so many varieties, too.

As we munch on our favorite, explore a few pizza facts:

  • Pepperoni is the most popular pizza at 36% of all pies ordered.
  • 350 slices – That’s how many slices of pizza are sold in the U.S. every second. Roughly 120 of those slices per second are delivered to the National Today offices.
  • Over 3 billion pizzas are sold in the USA each year.  Add another 1 billion on frozen pizzas
  • In the United States, 17% of all restaurants are pizzerias.
  • Antica Pizzeria, the first Pizzeria, opened in Naples, Italy, in 1738.
  • Gennaro Lombardi, the first Pizzeria in the United States, opened in 1895 in New York City.
  • Americans consume on average 23 pounds of pizza per person each year.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalPizzaDay

  • Eat your favorite pizza.
  • Visit a local pizzeria and give them a shout-out for their fantastic pies!
  • Make your own pizza at home.
  • Post on social media your favorite recipes.
  • Experiment with toppings, crusts and sauces.
  • And don’t forget to check out the Celebration Deals for all the best offers and discounts.
  • Send us a message with any other great deals you come across that celebrate National Pizza Day.
  • Watch movies like Mystic Pizza or Little Italy.
  • Throw a pizza party and try new pizza recipe

and which one is your favorite way to celebrate Pizza Day ?? Which Pizza you love the most ???

leave me the answer in the comments …

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