New Year Resolutions

Many people, just before the end of the year, wonder what would be worth changing in their lives after New Year’s Eve. We check what are the most popular New Year’s resolutions and assumptions that we would like to implement in the new year.

New Year’s resolutions 2022 – what are the most popular resolutions? What would we usually like to change in our lives by entering the new year? We check what plans we implement most often and what are the most interesting and popular New Year’s resolutions.

What are the most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2022?

The most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2022, as well as other years, most often concern the desire to take care of yourself and your health. During this time of the year, many people plan to quit smoking or other stimulants, start exercising regularly or change their eating habits. Below, we have collected the most chosen and the most popular New Year’s resolutions.

  • A healthier diet
  • Adopt a child
  • Adopt a pet
  • Adopt an attitude of gratitude
  • Be more conscious about the food  we eat
  • Be more grateful
  • Be more nature friendly
  • Be more productive
  • Be more punctual
  • Be more spontaneous
  • Become a foster parent
  • Become independent
  • Become more aware of people feelings
  • Become more confident
  • Bring back the inner child
  • Bungee jump
  • But a car
  • Buy a house
  • Buy a plant
  • Call family members more often
  • Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
  • Complete non spend a month
  • control my anger
  • Cook something new each week
  • Create a blog /podcast
  • Create a house/apartment cleaning schedule and stick to it
  • Create your website
  • Declutter my wardrobe
  • Declutter the computer space
  • Declutter the house
  • Ditch one bad habit
  • Do fancy dinners with friends
  • Do it now
  • Do Meatless Monday
  • Do more things that’s make me happy
  • Do one thing at the time
  • Do sports regularly
  • Donate to charity
  • Drink more water
  • Eat more veggies
  • End toxic relationships
  • Exercise your brain
  • Finally, get the extra degree
  • Find a new hobby
  • Find more time for friends
  • Find new friends
  • Find the perfect apartment
  • Find the time for family  dinners
  • Get a pet
  • Get healthy
  • Get involved in local government
  • Get married
  • Get more organized
  • Get a professional photoshoot
  • Get rid of unused apps on the  phone
  • Go on a fishing trip
  • Go skydiving
  • Go to church more often
  • Go to farmers markets more often
  • Go vegan
  • Go vegetarian
  • Have doctor check-ups regularly
  • Have a style makeover
  • I will go to a concert of my favorite singer/artist/band
  • I will learn how to play an instrument
  • I will save more money
  • I will spend less
  • Invest in Bitcoin
  • Join a pottery class
  • Jump with the parachute
  • Learn about the stock market and invest
  • Learn to code
  • Learn how to bake
  • Learn how to cook
  • Learn how to crochet
  • Learn how to dance
  • Learn how to knit
  • Learn how to paint
  • Learn how to surf
  • Learn how to swim
  • Learn Photoshop
  • Learn to fly a plane
  • Learn to relax
  • Learn yoga
  • Listen more to people
  • Listen to classical music
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Make a house  renovation
  • Make time for yourself
  • Make your bed every morning
  • Meditate
  • More sleep
  • more time with the Family
  • Move to a different country
  • Move to a different state
  • Organize the photos
  • Paint the apartment
  • Pay all the debts
  • Pay your bills on time
  • Perfect one recipe
  • Pick a wake up time and stick to it
  • Put more effort into daily activities
  • Quit bad habits
  • Quit my job
  • Quit smoking
  • Read more books / create a reading booklist
  • Retire
  • Run a marathon
  • Send thank you cards
  • Set new career goals
  • Smile more
  • Spend less time playing video games
  • Spend more time offline
  • Spend more time on social media
  • Spend more time outdoors
  • Spiritual development
  • Start a bullet journal
  • Start a dram journal
  • Start a family
  • Start a garden
  • Start a new career
  • Start camping
  • Start eating healthy
  • Start hiking
  • Start jogging
  • Start learning a new  language
  • Start my own business
  • Start my own company
  • Start reading and understanding poetry
  • Start recycling
  • Start scrapbooking
  • Start the morning with a stretching routine
  • Start therapy
  • Start to say “NO” more often
  • Start volunteering
  • Start YouTube channel
  • Stop assuming
  • Stop being late all the time
  • Stop being so hard on myself
  • Stop being so serious
  • Stop drinking soda
  • Stop eating fast foods
  • Stop eating so many sweets
  • Stop judging people
  • Stop to try to please everyone
  • Be grateful
  • Live true to yourself
  • Stop trying to be perfect in everything
  • Stop wasting the time
  • Stress reduction
  • Take care of my body
  • Take care of your health
  • Travel more
  • Chocolate free month
  • Cut the alcohol
  • Be yourself
  • Appreciate what you have
  • Try a different cuisine
  • Try a new diet
  • Use to-do lists
  • Walk more
  • Watch more documentaries
  • Watch more foreign movies
  • Weight loss
  • Work fewer hours
  • Work on my computer skills
  • work out a good home budget
  • Write a novel
  • Write letters

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