Polish Legends – Goldfinch

Those were old times, ominous and uncertain. News spread throughout the entire Jura to avoid Kroczyce. This town was surrounded by a multitude of vipers and snakes. Woe to those who strayed from the route to take shortcuts from Krakow to Częstochowa.

The village was lying on the outskirts, and the surrounding area favored the development of these treacherous reptiles. Over time, people suffered less, but the surrounding cattle began to fall prey to the raging plague.

People lost not only their hosts, but also their meat, which after being bitten was unfit for consumption. The townspeople tried to fight in various ways, but chasing the vipers away was not so easy. As if they had a ruler who looked after and governed them. It was a hard time for the village. One day a stranger came to the village. Surprisingly, the vipers did not hurt him. People began to think that the saturated vipers were not paying attention to him. Others said that only a sorcerer could take the path he had traveled. The man ignored the onlookers at the local inn and continued on his way.

Walking through the meadows, every rose he encountered vipers in the grass that were running away from him. After a while he came to a place where there was not even a patch of grass, it was a large area that looked like a graveyard. The wanderer saw one of the local peasants digging a hole. The body of a dead cow lay beside it.

Those were old times, ominous and uncertain. News spread throughout the entire Jura to avoid Kroczyce.

…Tell me, peasant, what happened to this cow that you have to bury it? Asked the stranger

…Lord, for the summer the area around the village has been inhabited by vipers. At noon they are gone, so the cattle can be released, but if we are late, the vipers will use it. Replied the peasant, leaned on the spade and continued, “This whole area is dug, and there are dead animals under the ground.” And there, closer to the village, the people who used to live here and the newcomers who did not run away.

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