Snowstorm in New York…fictional perception contra reality …

I grow up in Eastern Europe, in a cold country. I was born in December, from what I was told years later, in very cold night. Snow was always big part of my life. I love it. I love winter, i love when it is snowing. I love when there is plenty snow all around. Well, almost everyone has s favorite season, and since I could remember, mine was winter. I always loved that is after heavy snow, everything was withe. All the snow on the trees, snow crunching under my feet. Little winter wonderland.  Spending my afternoons, after school, playing with my friends, building igloos, snow fights, ice skating, and getting home, when it is dark, with ” frozen toes” and bright red check. But how happy?! Oh, how happy we were then!

But the way, the winters were, back in my childhood, are a distant memory. Lots of things changed. First if all the climate. My brother, that is live in the proximity, to our childhood town, is telling me, that is there are no more winters like those, i remember so vividly. I guess, everything is changing.

Everyone has this picturesque view in mind, that it is so amazing when it is snowing. Especially, when you are sitting in a ski chalet, somewhere close to mountains, with the amazing view, and by the fireplace, with the glass of eggnog… well, sorry to burst your bubble z but that is magic of tv, that engraved that image in our minds. But you might say, there are places like this, in Swiss Alps, that looks like a winter wonderland dream!  But if course!  Unfortunately, for most of us, living in a big city, the snowstorm, looks a little different.

So, going back to a main story line, i live in New York City now, and it is nothing to compare to small town in Eastern Europe.  Of course, there are winters here, there is snow, here and there. Winters looks completely different, and as you can imagine, the way my childhood winters were, nostalgically, they are very missed, by me! But because NYC, us a huge place, the snow here complicates things. I have come to realization, by observing people here, that is no one like winter. It is inconvenience! And trust me, people love to complain: too many clothes, too cold and do on… you might think, how amazing the big city must look, covered by the white cloud of winter dust, how amazing and magical! Well, it does, but only for a little while. On the island of Manhattan, it looks a little different.

Let me explain you, how does work.

First, people are cranky, by only hearing that is the snow is coming.  Well, because there will be so much extra work, and nobody wants that. You must spread salt on the sidewalk s and all front stairs before it will start snowing. There need to be someone, who will constantly shovel the snow, keeping the sidewalk clean. You have big trucks with snowplows, driving around, in extremally congested city as it, and that is causes more anxiety among the drivers. When it finally starts snowing, people are trying to stay indoors, as much as possible, which is not a bad idea. Every tv stations, is pumping (on steroids) news about how many inches of snow we will get, and how hard and difficult it is going to be for everyone. Lastly, the food delivery culture of New York is, and buying out grocery items (like we are getting ready for a 3 months of heavy snow) is getting almost out of hand.

Since a few days, the weather prognosis, for the city and surrounding areas, are issuing warnings, about nor ‘eastern snow front, that’s coming our way. Apparently today and tomorrow is going “hit” New York, bringing large quantities of snow. And that is makes many people unhappy. Well, based on all the things I have describe for you, you can see for yourself, that is snow it is not something anybody wants over here, well, i still do!!

Of course, if it is a big snowstorm, and they happened few times, what can you do. There will be lots of complaining, why? What for? Who need it!? And it is a one thing I see often here. To tell you the truth, what can you do about it. It a Mother Nature. And she does what she needs do. It is winter, middle of December! So, what the hell do you want!! What do you expect!? I would you dislike the winter do much, maybe it is time to move to a warmer state, where the snow does not fall. Well, it is completely my opinion on the matter, quite unpopular amongst the winter and snow hating complainers. The second batch of crankiness and aggregation comes, when the snowstorm is finally over.

The different reality, shows up, when the snowstorm is over. To my heartbreak, the city does not stay white and pretty for q long time. The snow that is it is shoveled, off the sidewalks, is pushed to the sided of the streets. With the number of cars, that is here, the piles of white snow, turns black and ugly! The snow is getting pushed up by the cars and busses and turns into slush. And that is the works part of the whole thing. The giant puddles of slush, dirty half melted, water with mush, are staying by every crossing. You better have waterproof snow boots or rain boots, because in many spots, it is more than ankle deep!! And you really do not want to get in there with sneakers or pretty, furry booties!! And the enormous, puddles of melting slush, can stay there for days! As long the street is kind of clean, for the cars and busses, as long the sidewalk is not too much slippery and walkable, then NOBODY cares of cleaning the slush!

So, as you can imagine, from the picture I have describe snow in New York City is not something highly anticipated and appreciated. It is nothing more than Nature being Nature, and no amount of complains of cranky New Yorkers, will change it …

Well, as for me?? I still love it. Every bit of it! Every snowflake, maybe the slushy puddles not so much, but as a whole deal, i will take it!!

It is highly probable, that’s i be the only one at my work, happy to see the snow falling …

Well, you can call me sentimental, but i just cannot help it. I love winter and i love snow ❄️♥️.

And all the pictures included with this article, are the pictures from my work window, when it was still pretty and white everywhere.

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