Strange ways that food grows…who knew…??

In a modern world, where almost all the foods come from the store, we tend to forget from where the food really comes from. I must admit, it caught me by surprise, talking with a grown person, the other day, about some recipes… and from one word to another, I realized that she has no idea how some of the fruits and vegetables, growing in their natural state. So, the idea came to my head, to show all of you, how unusual way of rising, some of our daily favorites, have. I must admit, that is I was caught by surprise by one of the described one… but, as long we all can learn something, and discover new ideas, from the world, it is all the way should be. So, without stretching any longer, lets dive into the amazing and how unique, at times, world of Mother Nature.


Did you know almonds grow on trees? They are inside those woody shells.


  It is commonly mistaken for the grain but is in fact it is the seed from the amaranth plant, with flowers so beautifully colored.


It is a flower. The stiff outer petals around a flower – we just eat the bud because the rest grows and blooms.


comes straight up out of the ground.  No matter which color, all of them grow and stand straight like a soldiers.


grow on tall trees. Tall frees, full of delicious fruits.


grow in clumps on tall plants (not trees, technically) around a huge flower spike.


are roots. large red bulbs that grow in the ground with little leafy tops.

Black pepper.

is made from dried peppercorn fruits that grow on a vine. They look like string of pearls, hanging in large groups.


The florets are in fact little closed flower buds, surrounded by large leaves.

Brussels sprouts.

are in fact little green balls, that grow on long stalks, with leafy top.

Cacao or Cocoa Beans.

chocolate comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree. To make them edible, they must be roasted and fermented first.


The large fruits grow on the ground, or awfully close to it. The small bush plant has large fruits gang like an ornaments.


They are the unopened buds of a pretty flower (the little green balls).


Who knew that is the are growing on trees. The small brown ending part, of the bright colored fruit.  


It grows in little green pods (just like a peas), between feathery leaves of a little plant.

Chili pepper.

Much spicier version of regular Bell pepper (both comes from the same family), grows to be visually extremely attractive.  Small red jewels handing on a small, and low plant.


It is in fact tree bark from a tree!


They are nothing else as dried-up little flower buds of the clove tree.


It comes from a seeds that are encased in a brightly colored, cherry-like fruit often called coffee cherry. The fruit itself grows on a bush or a small tree.


they grow in low bushy plants like this: To harvest them, the marshes with the plants must be flooded, so they look like little red balls swimming at the bay.


Dates grow in large hanging clumps on tall date palm trees. Looks stunning, like a necklace with thousand beads.


They are technically classified as a berry, since they grow on low bush plants, so close to the ground.


Not only grapes come on the vines. You could get your very own kiwi vine if you wanted!


The delicious, sweet fruits grow on large trees, bearing multiple of crops.


They grow on trees with gnarled, twisted up trunks. The olive tree can grow for more than 2000 years.


They grow on trees. Large, orange-colored fruits are hanging kind of like bananas.


The large and shiny “fruits” grows on small bushes, not that is far from the ground


No nots at all (belong to legume family. Like beans and peas).  They grow underground – how strange does that look?!


The orange, roundish fruits, grow on a big tree. Looking extremely dramatic.


Large fruits grow out of a short plant. Pointy laves, with the fruit situated in the middle, on very top.


They are related to the cashews.  They grow on tall trees, with hard shells around each one of them.


Large, heavy, and juicy ones grow on trees.


Not a grain, but a seed. Comes in different colors and grown on the plant.  


The little orange stamen of the crocus flower. It looks quite pretty, actually! Do you know how many Crocus flower you need for only few grams of the spice?? No wonder is so crazy expensive!

Sesame seeds. 

They grow in long pods, on small bush plants. Looks like peas or string beans.

Star fruit.

this refreshing , unique shaped fruit, grown on trees. the generous crop size, makes you happy, just by looking at it.


As we all know, the tea does not originate in the tea bags, but grows on tea plants, on the hill sides, getting all the best nutrients from the soil.


Vanilla is the edible fruit of an orchid. Most famous, and desired, the one from Madagascar. It must be pollinated by hand, which is one reason why vanilla is so expensive.


the root, so exclusively used in the art of making Sushi. Sharp , radish taste, grows fully underground.

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