Ultimate guide to world of eggs and egg dishes

The story of the egg is almost as old as the story of us. 

Early humans, from the time of the Stone Age, since domestication of animals, have discovered that by removing eggs from bird nests, they will lay another one next day, all year round.

In fact, Ancient Egyptians find the way, to incubate eggs, away from their bird mothers, and grow them to full term. They were digging small holes/caves under the ground and store the eggs there. The hot climate, and humidity worked its magic. 

In all parts of the world people have invented techniques and have perfected them over generations to turn eggs in everyday life into something more exciting than good old scrambled eggs.

Humble egg even has its own holiday. On October 14th, we celebrate international Egg Day. It is nothing extremely special, since most of foods here in America have its own holiday, it just shows how wildly popular and versatile the egg really is. Eaten is most countries and on all continents, egg proving to be quite amazing everyday food. 

How many ways to cook an egg?? 

Nobody knows, but here I present you and ultimate list of most popular egg dishes from all over the world. 

Frittata (France and Germany)

Short crust pastry filled with ham, bacon, cheese and eggs and milk mixture. Served freshly baked hot, straight from the oven, or cold for lunch the next day. 

Huevos rancheros (Mexico)

Fried eggs served on warm corn or flour tortillas topped with a fresh salsa made of tomatoes, chili peppers, onion, and cilantro. Often accompanied by refried beans, rice, and guacamole, or just pieces of avocado, and freshly squeezed lime juice and cilantro as garnish.  

Pavlova (Australia and New Zealand) 

Dessert named after Russian Prima Ballerina visiting Australia. It may sound overwhelming, but it is nothing more than large meringue baked in the oven, topped with whipped cream and fresh fruits of your choice. 

Egg Brik (Tunis)

Very Thin and triangular flaky pastry, filled with whole egg, chopped onions, spices, tuna, harissa (spicy paste of peppers) and parsley. Brik is immensely popular in Israel, due to large Tunisian Jews settlement. Over there is called Burek or Bureka/ Bourikas

Baghali Batogh (Iran)

One pan dish made with fava beans, eggs, and dill. Spiced with garlic, salt pepper and turmeric. Served by tradition at breakfast, with a fresh bread.

Egg bhurji (India)

Mumbai style scramble eggs prepared with onions, regional spice mix and chilies. Usually served with naan bread. 

Quindim Brazil (Brazil)

This dessert is extremely popular among Brazilian people.  –  made of egg yolks, sugar, and fresh coconut meat. The mixture needs to be placed in water bath, and then turn upside down, when ready and cooled off. The bright yellow color and glistening shine speaks for themselves. 

Khagina (Pakistan (Pakistan and Afghanistan) 

Favorite breakfast egg dish. Scrambled eggs, mixed with aromatic spice seasoning including mainly cumin, as well as some tomatoes, onions, fresh cilantro, and peppers. Served with chapati bread


Creme de Mamão (Mozambique) 

Papaya and egg yolk pudding. Smooth and creamy, very airy, light dessert. Extremely easy and simple to make.  Refreshing for a sunny and hot day. 

M’SHEWSHA (Algeria)

Traditional Algerian dish made with plenty of eggs and semolina flour. Next step is to pour warm honey over it and let in soak in. It tastes like a cross between a fluffy pancake & French toast! 

Omelet (France) 

Omelet is a dish made of eggs beaten with some seasoning with a little milk, poured onto a heated pan with butter and fried until the mass is solid.  

An omelet is a great option for breakfast. It is taking no time to cook, and you can add so many things to it. To make it savory, try: ham, cheese, pepper, onion, mushrooms, spinach. To make it sweet serve with fruit jam, caramel sauce, or homogenized cheese or just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pasta carbonara (Italy)

The name translates to ” miners’ pasta”. One of the most famous recipes from Italy. Spaghetti pasta, costed in sauce made with egg yolks (or while eggs in some regions), pancetta (Italian bacon), Pecorino Romano cheese, and freshly ground pepper.

According to Legends, the black pepper is supposed to symbolize the black coal dust from the mine. 

Gyeranppang (Korea)

One of the most recognized Korean street food snacks. oval shaped mold is filled with sweet and savory pancake like batter. Topped with aa egg and baked in oven. Result: Oblong shaped bread, with whole baked egg inside. 

Munavoi – egg butter (Finland and Estonia)

Estonian delicacy. Mixture of butter and hardboiled eggs. Serves as a spread for all kind of bread, or traditional regional pastries.

Mote pillo (Ecuador)

Mote pillo is a traditional Ecuadorian dish of hominy corn with scrambled eggs. The plate consists of hominy sautéed with onions, garlic, achiote, eggs, milk, chives and cilantro or parsley, and served with hot black coffee and slices of fresh cheese

Jaja ze szczypiorkiem (Poland)

One of the most famous egg dished, especially eaten during Easter Holiday. hard-boiled Eggs sliced in half. Seasoned with salt and black pepper. Topped with dollop of mayonnaise and freshly chopped scallion. 

Avgolemono (Greece)

Soup prepared from chicken broth, thickened with egg foam, with the addition of lemon juice. it surprises not only with its taste, but also its consistency.  Extremely creamy, velvety, and delicate, certainly a bit unusual lemon soup.  See for yourself what this Greek delicacy has to offer. 

Tortilla Española (Spain) 

Spanish omelet, made from eggs, cooked, and thinly sliced potatoes, sometimes with the addition of onions. Cooked to crispy brown. Served usually in room temperature. 

Oeufs En Cocotte (France) 

Very sophisticated dish from France, like most of their recipes, but if reality quite simple breakfast item.

Eggs are baked in flat bottomed bake ware, to make an individual serving, usually mixed with cream and spinach.  Traditionally served with toast. 

Cilbir (Turkey)

One of the most traditional dishes of Turkish cuisine. eggs are poached, and served over plate of garlic yogurt, sprinkled with dry paprika. 

Gubbröra (Sweden)

The meaning of the name, ” Old’s man mix” gives you a clue. It is a cold salad made of eggs and anchovies. Used as a spread for bread. 

Raviolo con uovo (Italy) 

Ravoli pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese and fresh whole egg yolk.  Usually one large piece, containing the whole yolk and cheese. 

Khachapuri (Georgia)

National dish. Boat shaped pancake, stuffed with cheese, and topped with raw egg. Baked in oven, before serving. 

Pastel de nata (Portugal)

One of the most famous desserts/ snacks of Portugal. Invented in Middle Ages by nuns in monastery. 

Puff pastry, rolled id small disks, form in mini cups, and filled with egg custard. Baked in the oven till golden brown and crusty. 

Scotch egg (Scotland) 

Hard Boiled egg, wrapped in layer of ground pork, and coated in breadcrumbs. Deep-fried, till crispy. 

Eggnog (Great Britain)

Sweet drink, often alcoholic, based on egg yolks, milk with vanilla, cinnamon, honey, and grated nutmeg

Bauernfrühstück (Germany) 

Traditionally farmer’s breakfast. Scramble egg, mixed with cooked before potatoes, onion, cubed ham, and seasoning. 

Kaiserschmarrn (Austria)

The name of this dish, translate exactly to :  “Emperor’s pancake”, and the royal, after who this dish was named was no other than Austrian Emperor  Franz Emperor Franz Joseph I (his assassination, in Sarajevo, in 1914, started The World War I) 

According to stories, he liked simple tasty sweet treats, just like many of us then and now. Kaiserschmarren is a light, caramelized pancake made from eggs, flour, milk, and sugar cooked in butter, with additions like chopped nuts, raisins or pieces of apple, cherries, or baked plums.

Utismijter (Holland)

– one or two slices of white bread buttered and topped with a leaf of green lettuce.  A slice of cooked ham is placed on the bread, and then a fried egg, one for each slice.  In the original recipe, the yolk in the egg should not be cut.

Rolex (Uganda)

– breakfast wrap – hardboiled or fried eggs with cabbage, tomato, onion, sometimes paprika, then wrapped in chapati.  The name comes from “rolled eggs”, transformed by tourists into “Rolex” and it has been

Photograher: Greg Dupree Prop Stylist: Thom Driver Food Stylist: Chelsea Zimmer

Chilaquiles (Mexico) 

Immensely popular breakfast dish. Lightly fried tortilla triangles topped with green and red salsa. Topped with shredded chicken, cheese, cream, and Sunnyside up or scramble eggs on top.  

Shakshuka (North Africa /Israel)

One pan dish. Eggs cooked in sauce made of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and spices. Served usually with pita bread

Kwek – kwek (Philippines)

Called orange eggs, thanks to the color they keep after being fried. Popular street food. Eggs are coated in a batter made from corn flour, and deep fried.

Anda curry (Indie) 

Hard boiled eggs cooked in tomato and onion sauce in curry spices. This dish has many different regional versions. Traditionally served with bread. 

Kuku Sabzi (Iran) 

Herbal omelet/frittata made from eggs, parsley, coriander, dill, chives, walnuts, and bar berry. Fluffy on the inside and sweet vivid green crust on the outside. Traditionally served with bread, and pickled vegetables served as a condiment. 

Nasi Goreng (Indonesia)

Traditional dish, made with previously cooked rice, meat, and different vegetables. Served with the egg mixed in or fried egg on top. many varieties, depends on the region 

Bacon and egg pie (New Zealand)

French pastry tart, filled with eggs, bacon, few tablespoons of milk, onions and fresh parsley baked to perfection.  

Tamagoyaki (Japan) 

Very thin Japanese omelet cooked on special square pan called makiyakinabe. The eggs are mixed with mirin sauce, dashi, sake, and soy sauce. Tamagoyaki, or tamago is very often served in sushi restaurants. 

Bibimbap (Korea)

Extremely popular dish, served on the base of rice “bap”, while “bibim” mans mixed toppings/ingredients like meat, fresh vegetables, kimchi, spicy chili paste is a must, and of course topped with fried egg

Empanadas de carne (Bolivia) 

Empanadas are a type of dumplings made of short crust pastry.  In which a delicious, juicy filling is traditionally prepared with meat, olives, eggs, and raisins 

Eggs Benedict (Unites States)

I think this is most popular egg brunch item, here in America. 

Poached eggs, on an English muffin, with sliced of Canadian bacon, and Hollandaise sauce. Second popular option includes smoked salmon/lox. 

Egg drop soup/egg flower soup (China) 

Beaten eggs, pour in very thin stream, into boiling chicken broth soup. Soup usually spiced with peppers, with addition of tofu and calamari.  

Bowl with mashed sweet potato on wooden background

Yam Oto (Ghana)

Mashed yams with eggs – sweet yams, mashed, topped with sauce made of fried onions in palm oil with eggs. Lightly seasoned, served with whole hard boiled eggs on the side of plate.  

Ujja Bi’l-Hrus (Tunis)

Eggs boiled or fired in a paste made of spice called Hrus, that is made of from preserved onions, dried red chiles, rose petals, and cinnamon. Often served as lunch dish 

As all of you can see, worldly dishes using eggs are quite simple and do not require overly complicated ingredients. The preparation time also seems short. Some of the dishes are very well known to us. Many of them have a common denominator, such as the addition of tomatoes or hard-boiled eggs, and many of them are served as a breakfast meal. As you can see, eggs are eaten practically on all continents, and combinations of their use can be, I think, millions.

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