Tidbits facts about bears:

Who does not love bears?  

The large hairy face, little eye and ears, and whole lot of fur… now wonder that the bear itself, become the most beloved children friend, the Teddy Bear. Even famous Winnie the Pooh, belong to the bear family.  There are only 8 bear species living today, on the surface of the planet, that you can read in previous post. but there are a lot of fun facts, about bears, that not many people are aware of.

So, that was my idea for today, to brings you some of the knowledge I have learned, researching this subject. So, if you ready, lets go and learn something.

Bears evolved from the canine family! Although it is hard to believe, it is the family of our lovable home friends that is the ancestors of the giant panda or the mighty polar bear … Of course, the first species of the canine family were significantly different from today’s!

The polar bear, because it spends a significant part of its life on ice and in the water, is classified by some researchers as marine mammals, next to species such as seals and dolphins!

Koala bears are not really bear – Though koalas are often called “bears”. In fact, they are not even that closely related. … Koalas are more closely related to kangaroos and wombats, which are both members of Diprotodontia, than bears, which belong to the order Carnivora

Although bears are predators, their diet does not differ much from … vegetarian! Most bears are omnivores, but their diet is mostly plant-based. The exception is the polar bear, which eats almost exclusively on meat.

The giant panda was for a long time included in the raccoon family, as a distant “cousin” of the little panda, but detailed genetic research has ruled out this relationship, but confirmed the thesis about the relationship with the bear family.

The brown bear is the most numerous in Romania, where there are about 5500 individuals of this species.

At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, there were special schools in Europe that specialized in training brown bears so that they could entertain people, for example during festivals. One of the more famous ones, led by Gypsies, bore the humorous name of the Smorgon Academy. The methods used there were not humane, and at times brushed against cruelty.

The greenish color of the fur of captive polar bears is because the animal’s hair is an ideal place for the development of … algae. In the wild, it is too cold in the natural habitat of a polar bear, which is why the fur of these animals is almost snow-white.

The fur of a polar bear is not white, it is transparent. It is made up of thousands of air-filled hair that protect it from the cold. The light reflects off the fur, giving the impression that it is white. The skin of a polar bear is black and therefore absorbs the sun’s rays, which heat its body.

Despite its huge size, the polar bear is an extremely sensitive animal. Easily develops skin and parasitic diseases. It often gets infected from seals it eats. Polar bears are also sensitive to environmental pollution, which causes them to disrupt their hormones, destroys the immune system and increases mortality, both in young and adults of this species.

Himalayan bear species with black and white fur have recently been discovered in Cambodia. It was a phenomenon because most representatives of this species have black or brown fur.

Arctic foxes follow polar bears, counting on food scraps left by these giant mammals.

Many species of bears climb trees to sleep there or soak up the sun. The best climbers are the Malay Bears, which often climb to a height of 23 feet.

Across North America, the black bear population is thought to be around 800,000.

Bears are extremely intelligent animals. They have much better navigation skills and use tools in a variety of contexts, from play to hunting.

The young are known to moan and cry when separated from their mother. It can take weeks if their mothers are killed by hunters.

Bears have 2 types of hair. The shorter coat provides insulation from the elements, while the longer coat prevents water from entering the short coat and skin layer. Each of these layers serves a different purpose and allows bears to thrive in frosty conditions.

Bears were often honored in the cultures of many early civilizations. They were symbols of power, strength, and love.

Vikings and Celts have many legends about the strength, protection, and bravery of bears.

The bear is a common national personification for the former USSR and Germany.

Bears can walk short distances on their back legs, which has led some Native Americans to describe them as “beasts that walk like a human”.  Bears usually stand on their hind legs to get a better view or smell of what is in front of them.

Bears are big and can be quite intimidating, so they do not have many enemies. Their worst enemies are humans and other bears.

Bears have excellent senses of smell, sight, and hearing. They can smell food, young or predators from miles away.

A black bear’s body weight varies greatly depending on age, sex, and season – in fall it can be 30% heavier than in spring.

The brown bear is the national animal of Finland.

A floating polar bear can jump 2.4 meters out of the water to surprise a seal.

As bears prepare for hibernation, they need to eat twice as much food as they normally need. If the female bear is not fat enough, she will not be able to bear any cubs.

Bears are one of the most intelligent land animals in the world. They have the largest and most complex brains compared to other land mammals.

A bear’s normal heartbeat is 40 beats per minute. The heart rate of a hibernating bear drops to 8 beats per minute.

Unlike many mammals, bears see color.

Insects, nuts, berries, juices, branches, and roots make up a large part of the bear’s diet.

Some species of Asiatic Bears build nests in trees. They can use them to hide, eat, and even sleep.

Bears care a lot about family members. They will risk their lives and even fight to the death to save their young or siblings from danger.

Bears that live near rivers can catch salmon and tend to grow much larger than other bear species because of this special, delicious delicacy.

Bears rely on their mother’s milk for the first year of life, and for some species even longer.

Grizzly bears can remember where they found food even after 10 years.

Black bears live in the wild on average 18 years, but the record is an impressive 39 years. The oldest captive black bear was 44 years old when it died.

Grizzly bears have enough biting power to crush a bowling ball or iron pan.

Polar bears, the largest of all bear species.

Even though bears are big and heavy, they can run amazingly fast and are also good at climbing and swimming.

​​Most bears live alone, except when the female has cubs. The mother of the bear cub will protect her cubs.

Bears can reach speeds of up to almost 50 kilometers per hour, which is fast enough to catch a running horse. The fastest man known today is Usain Bolt, who can run up to 40 kilometers per hour.

The black bear is the smallest but most common of the three bear species found in America (after the polar bear and the grizzly bear).

Black bears are great climbers and are often photographed in trees. Their claws give them great traction, and their branches provide protection against predators. Young can be very bold as they climb high in the canopy of trees.

The disappearance of sea ice is likely to lead to the extinction of polar bears by the 22nd century.

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