Unusual uses for Aspirin

Aspirin is the best-known pain reliever. Its composition, however, will help not only for health purposes.  You will be really surprised when you will find out, that is you can use it not only for the pain or  fever.

What is aspirin for, you may ask ?

 It turns out that it works not only on pain and fever, because it can also be used in the household and in cosmetics.  In fact, it has many uses, and it can save you not only a headache.

For blisters

Aspirin will relieve your feet, more specifically, heal corns. All you need to do is prepare a special mask that you will use regularly for at least two weeks before going to bed. Crush seven aspirin tablets, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of water to them.

Relief from insect  bites

Mosquitoes are a real bane of summer days. But they also bite other insects and bugs that we can meet in the garden or in the meadow. Dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and rinse the bubble with a cotton pad. You will feel relieved, and the bite mark will disappear faster.

Fights against dandruff

Try aspirin if you have dandruff problems. Crushed two tablets of the drug mix with the shampoo used to wash your hair. Do this regularly and observe the result.

Clean burnt pots

Burnt pots and pans are the bane of every homemaker. Try to remove aspirin burns! Pour hot water over the dish and drop five aspirin tablets into it – leave it for a few hours or even overnight. Then rinse thoroughly with liquid and rinse with water.

Bleaching white clothes

Gray and white clothes are outdated – just add aspirin to the wash. In 4 liters of warm water, dissolve four tablets, dip your clothes in it and leave it overnight. Then rinse thoroughly in warm water. You can also wash with three tablets – throwing them into the drum, and in addition, traditionally, capsules or powder.

Medicine for plants

Aspirin will cope with pests that feed on plants, especially on their leaves. And we mean both pots standing in the house, as well as terrace flowers and garden decorations. Dissolve a tablet of aspirin in a liter of water, and then water (preferably with a watering can, leaves) our plants. Interestingly, such a drug also extends the life of the cut flowers.

Unblocking pipes

If your tube gets blocked, you do not need a guy, you need aspirin, and you do not need the headache of this worry. Put two tablets down the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. Such a mixture will work like a well-known mole.

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