
Hello and welcome you all to my online journal

My name is Martha , and I live in New York City…I was born in Poland, in Eastern Europe, so in my days I’m connecting two different cultures, and making it work.. I studied History and Archeology, so my love of books and reading, came very useful.

Welcome To Ultimate Guide To Everything Blog!!

I’m eager to share with you my passion of learning. Getting to know bits and pieces of knowledge from all departments of life…

On this forum we will all discover that there are little facts about almost everything, to help you understand everything…

I don’t agree, with saying that “knowledge of everything, is knowledge of nothing”…in my opinion, its good to know stuff, even the smallest details, about as many things as possible. You never know , when something may become useful, or something small will be the spark to start the fire of a new passion, or learning desire…

There is nothing worst, that brain going to waste…

My  idea is to create a base of knowledge, like a small library, coz I love books, so you can have a small pocket guide to different things, all in one place…

Ultimate guide to…

20 best things about…

List of necessities.

The only things, you need to know, to help you go through…

A to Z guide to…

I hope you are getting the idea … yes??

Ok, so lets begin…

Thank you for visiting, and welcome to my community

Who Is The Site For?

This site is for the ones, who are searching for understanding. Not only the book smarts, or schools taught one, but for the knowledge, and ideas about stuff that makes the world go around…

If you like me, if you like to read, and learn even the smallest bits and pieces of stuff, about different things, if you store them in your memory, and use them when the occasion present itself, to shine bright…and hear… Ahhhh How do you know that.?? Where did you read this…???

If you are this curious person, who knows that there is so much more to the world, than just work and paying bills… well… this site is for you …

And you are most welcome here, where any kind  knowledge is highly appreciated

Where can we start…

If you want do get in touch with me, please send an email, through the Contact me page

All suggest and new great ideas, are welcome here, submit them in comment section, or by email

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