Amazing Human Brain…

The human brain is the most complex organ in the human body.  The complexity of the human brain acts as a storage device that safely stores your most precious memories.  A person’s personality is largely shaped by the brain as well as by the human consciousness which gives man passion, movement, and emotion.

It helps us think, reason, remember and learn new things.  In fact, our brain and its primary function are different from animals.


  • There are 100 billion neurons in the brain.
  • The blood vessels in the brain are nearly 160,000 kilometers long.
  • Almost 80% of the brain is water.  Therefore, if we are dehydrated, it affects our memory and concentration.
  • When you are awake, your brain generates about 25 watts of energy, which is enough to light up a light bulb.
  • It is only around the age of 25 that the human brain reaches full maturity.
  • The human brain weighs about 1.5 kg, which is just 2% of body weight.
  • Albert Einstein’s brain weighed 1,230 grams and the French writer, Nobel Prize winner Anatole France, had a brain weighing 1 kg – bigger is not always better.
  • Statistically, the male brain is 10% larger than the female brain (in proportion to body size).  However, this is not accompanied by a difference in efficiency.  Interestingly, the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, is usually larger in women.
  • The speed of the nerve impulse is about 400 km / h.
  • On average, every day a person experiences about 70,000 thoughts, about 70% of which are pessimistic and self-critical.
  • 90% of decisions are made subconsciously.
  • The amount of information reaching our brain is approximately 100 megabytes per second.
  • Drinking alcohol does not make him forget about things and events.  When you drink, your brain temporarily loses its ability to form memories, so there is nothing to forget.
  • About 25% of a person’s cholesterol is found in the brain.
  • One-third of the entire brain deals with the processing of visual stimuli.
  • Due to intensive circulation, 90% of heat energy escapes through the head in the cold.
  • Epilepsy is a type of “short circuit” that occurs in the brain.  This is the only state in which the brain is almost 100% active.
  • The human brain is incredibly plastic.  If one area of ​​the brain is damaged, another can take over its functions.
  • Physical activity and movement are just as important for the brain as it is for the rest of the body.  They can delay Alzheimer’s disease by up to 30% as they make blood flow to the brain more regular.
  • Music triggers activity in the same part of the brain that releases dopamine during sex and eating.
  • The fact that we only use 10% of our brain is a myth.  Each part of the brain is assigned a specific function.  The truth is that we can use its capabilities much better.  Our brain has great potential, and we can learn to use it more effectively.
  • The more we stimulate the brain to work, the better it works.  An active brain is more resistant to aging and Alzheimer’s.
  • Here are some interesting facts about the human brain:
  • The average human brain weighs 1.3 kilograms.
  • Exercise is just as important to the brain as it is to the rest of the body.  Exercise can delay Alzheimer’s disease by more than 30% as it makes blood flow to the brain more regular.
  • Music triggers activity in the same part of the brain that releases dopamine during intercourse and eating.
  • On average, a person experiences approximately 70,000 thoughts each day.
  • Long-term use of cell phones is associated with an increased risk of brain tumor.
  • Smell is the only sense that is causally related to the limbic system of the brain, which is related to physical, emotional, and psychological responses.  The smell of chocolate drastically increases the brainwaves that trigger relaxation.
  • Everyone dreams, even the blind, for at least 1-2 hours and on average people have 4-7 dreams each night.  Brain waves are more active during sleep than when awake.
  • Each neuron can transmit 1000 nerve impulses per second and make tens of thousands of synaptic contacts with other neurons.
  • A piece of brain tissues the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses that communicate with each other.
  • The brains of introverts and extroverts are measurably different.  MRI’s reveal that the dopamine reward network is more active in the brain of extroverts, while the brains of introverts have more gray matter.
  • In the study, researchers found that students who ate food that did not contain preservatives, food additives such as artificial flavors and dyes, were 14% better on IQ tests than those who consumed food with these substances.
  • The brain can survive 5 to 6 minutes when it is not getting oxygen, then it dies.
  • The brain’s storage capacity is virtually limitless.  It does not “use up” like your computer’s RAM.  Recent research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is about as much as needed to store the entire Internet.
  • The scientists involved in the AI ​​Impacts project have developed a way to compare supercomputers to the brain – measuring how fast a computer can move information within its own system.  According to this standard, the human brain is 30 times more powerful than the IBM Sequoia, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world.
  • There are nearly 200 known cognitive disorders and distortions that cause irrational thinking and acting.
  • Memories are shockingly incredible and change over time.  Emotions, motivation, cues, context, and frequency of use can all influence how accurately you remember something.
  • The human brain is the only organ in the human body that lacks nerves, even though it functions as the central nervous system.  It simply means that the human brain does not feel pain.
  • Many people believe that people use less than 10% of their brain.  This is a misconception because every part of the brain has a known function.
  • The neocortex is the part of the human brain responsible for language and consciousness.  It accounts for approximately 76% of the human brain.
  • The human brain weighs only about 1.5 kg, makes up only 2% of body weight, and uses about 20% of oxygen and blood.
  • The brain processes information at a speed of 0.5 m / s to even 120 m / s per second.
  • There is no doubt that the human brain is an utterly amazing organ that requires maximum care to maintain life processes.
  • The brain is 73% water.  Only 2% of dehydration affects attention, memory, and other cognitive skills.
  • Human brain tissue is not dense.  It is very delicate – soft and like the consistency of soft tofu or gelatin.
  • The brain makes half a cup of fluid every day.  They float in this cerebrospinal fluid bath that acts as a shock absorber, preventing the brain from being crushed by its own weight.
  • It is estimated that out of thousands of thoughts that a person has every day, 70% of this mental energy is negative – self-critical, pessimistic.
  • You will feel more relax, focus and creativity by meditating for 12 minutes a day.
  • 28.90% of decisions are made in the subconscious mind.
  • It consists of 60% fat and is one of the fattiest organs in the human body.
  • The human brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.
  • Of the total amount of blood and oxygen that is produced in our body, the brain receives 20% of this amount.
  • When the blood supply to the brain stops, it begins to pass out after almost 8-10 seconds. Some scientists think it is possible that a mutant virus or parasite can invade the brain and spread rapidly in large populations, causing a “zombie apocalypse”.
  • Each minute, 750 to 1000 milliliters of blood flows through the brain.
  • Your brain can process the image your eyes saw for as little as 13 milliseconds – less time than blinking.
  • Size matters in some things, but with the brain, bigger does not always mean better or smarter.
  • Albert Einstein’s brain weighed 1230 grams – 10% less than the average weight.  The brain of the Neanderthals was 10% larger than our Homo sapiens brain.
  • Overall, the male brain is 10% larger than that of the female, even after accounting for the larger body size.  However, the hippocampus, the part of the brain most closely related to memory, is typically larger in women.
  • Good nutrition is crucial to the health and function of the brain.  Diet can force the brain to eat on its own.  Malnourished fetuses and infants suffer from cognitive and behavioral disorders, slower motor and language development, and a lower IQ.  Babies consume nearly 50% of their total glucose supply, which may be one reason babies sleep so much.
  • Drugs and alcohol interfere with the mechanisms of the brain and have some effects on dopamine and the opioid systems that give us a sense of pleasure and reward.
  • The reaction to alcohol takes only 6 minutes.  And drinking alcohol does not make you forget about things and events.  When you drink, your brain temporarily loses its ability to form memories.
  • The blood vessels present in the brain are nearly 99.4 miles (160,000 kilometers) long.
  • According to a study from the University of Cambridge, the order of the letters in a word does not really matter to your brain.  If the first and last letters are in the right place, your brain can shift the letters to form words as fast as you can read them:
  • The human brain is not as perfect as it is believed to be, as in many cases it has been found to deceive people into making them perceive things differently from what reality indicates.
  • In early pregnancy, neurons develop at a rate of 250,000 per minute.
  • ​​Half of a person’s genes are responsible for the complex structure of the brain; the other half describe the organization of the remaining 98% of the body.
  • It is a myth that forgetting is an inevitable part of aging.  Neurobiologists have developed computer programs that can stop slowness and even reverse memory loss by 10 years.
  • Surprisingly, surgical removal of nearly half of the brain is possible with little or no effect on personality or memory.
  • Lack of sleep can affect the brain in many ways and can affect memory, slow down reactions, and impair judgment.
  • 50.25% of the cholesterol in the body is found in the brain.  Cholesterol is an integral part of every brain cell.
  • Not all brain cells are alike.  There are as many as 10,000 specific types of neurons in the brain.
  • The teenage brain is not fully developed.  It is only around the age of 25 that the human brain reaches full maturity.
  • There are 100 billion neurons in the brain.
  • As we age, we are unable to remember new things.  According to US researchers, this is because the brain is unable to filter and erase old memories that prevent it from absorbing new concepts.
  • The brain is one of the most important and at the same time the most fascinating and complex organs in the human body.  It is an incredibly plastic command center that oversees the work of the nervous system.
  • The average weight of a brain ranges from about 1,225 to 1,375 grams (about 3 pounds). Men’s brains are heavier than women’s brains, but their performance is not affected.  An infant’s brain weighs only 350 grams.
  • During the first year of life, an infant’s brain enlarges threefold.
  • There are 100 billion neurons in the brain.
  • It consists of 75% water.
  • This is primarily why proper hydration of the body is so important – dehydration disrupts the work of the brain.
  • Even though it accounts for only 2% of body weight, it consumes about 20% of the energy produced by the body.
  • The brain develops and matures until around the age of 25.
  • Brain cells are produced throughout life.
  • Until the publication of research on neurogenesis in 2018, it was assumed that the process of creating neurons ends in childhood.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid plays a key role in the proper functioning of the brain.
  • It is an organic chemical compound from the group of omega-3 fatty acids; therefore, the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids is extremely important.
  • Involving your brain in activities that involve solving logical problems reduces the likelihood of developing dementia by approximately 63%.
  • The brain produces about 25 watts of energy.
  • About 25% of the body’s cholesterol is contained in the brain.
  • The brain requires constant supplementation with oxygen. Cut off from oxygen, brain cells begin dying after about 5 minutes.
  • There are no nerve receptors in the brain that register pain, so it does not feel it.
  • An adult brain can store the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of information.
  • Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the brain.
  • During sleep, the brain stores and systematizes information.
  • Physical activity is equally important for the proper functioning of the brain as it helps to create new nerve connections.
  • Medium-intensity aerobic exercise is the most effective.
  • The brain generates up to 80,000 thoughts a day.
  • That is over 3,000 thoughts per hour.
  • The smallest brain mammal is the Etruscan shrew.  The biggest one – the sperm whale.
  • The Etruscan shrew is also the smallest of the currently known mammals.
  • Thanks to the word patterns stored in memory, a person can read text in which the letters have a different order.
  • It is enough for the first and last letters of a given word to be in their place
  • The brain consists of 100 billion neurons, and each neuron can create up to 10,000 connections with other nerve cells.
  • The neuron is about 0.1 mm in diameter and can be several meters long.  This is a total of 160,000 km of axons.
  • There are 1,000 to 10,000 synapses for each neuron
  • The longest axon belongs to the giraffe and is 457 cm long.
  • The weight of the brain constitutes 2% of the body mass on average, it uses as much as 20% of oxygen passing through the body, and its energy consumption is 10 times faster than that of other organs.
  • Thanks to intensive circulation, 90% of heat energy escapes through the head in the cold.
  • The speed of the nerve impulse is about 400 km / h.
  • Information reaches the brain at 100 megabytes per second
  • Almost 80% of the brain is water.
  • Elephants and whales have brains that are bigger than ours, but less efficient.
  • Neurogenesis, the process of creating new neurons, occurs throughout the life of every human being.  The more the brain is active, the more neurons will be formed.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, a baby’s neurons develop at a rate of 250,000 per minute.
  • When active, the brain generates about 25 watts of energy – enough to light a light bulb.
  • The human brain is incredibly plastic.  If one area of ​​the brain is damaged, another can take over its functions.
  • The brain does not feel pain.  Tissues innervated by pain are external to him.
  • Thinking is electricity and chemistry.  Neurotransmitters, which are released from synapses, are designed to chemically excite other neurons.  The electrical impulse passes through the excited neuron and releases neurotransmitters at the end of it.  In this way, information is transferred between the neurons, making it possible for the brain to function properly.
  • During sleep, the brain works by sorting out the information it has gathered during the day.
  • One-third of the entire brain deals with the processing of visual stimuli.
  • Epilepsy is a type of “short circuit” that occurs in the brain.  This is the only state in which the brain is 100% active.
  • The increase in the size of the brain after having a baby is mainly due to the formation of connections between neurons and the increase in their thickness.  When the already established connections are stimulated again, their thickness increases.  The best-insulated connections transfer information up to 40 times faster.
  • In the first year of life, a newborn’s brain grows threefold
  • The mean weight of a female brain is 1225 g, a male one is 1375 g, and an infant brain is 350 g.
  • A woman’s brain is smaller than a men.  However, this is not accompanied by a difference in efficiency.  So, it turns out that women have slightly more efficient brains than men.
  • Einstein’s brain in the area that is responsible for math and spatial perception was 35% larger than that of average people.
  • The fact that we only use 10% of our brain is not true.  Always and everywhere we use our entire brain, each part of it has a function assigned to it.  It is true, however, that we can use that 100% much better.
  • The claim that the hemispheres dominate is also incorrect.  In fact, the left one is responsible for logic and rationality, and the right one is responsible for intuition, spontaneity, and emotions.  However, most activities involve both equally, and their cooperation is imperative.
  • The amount of information reaching our brain is approximately 100 megabytes per second.
  • The more we stimulate the brain to work, the better it works.  An active brain is more resistant to aging and Alzheimer’s.
  • Physical activity is the best way to stimulate the brain.  Physical exercise helps create new nerve connections.
  • In heavy alcoholics, 20% of the nerve cells can be destroyed.  After switching to abstinence, the brain partially regenerates itself.
  • Aggression and suicidal tendency are often associated with disturbances in the concentration of neurotransmitters – deficiency of serotonin and glucose and excess of adrenaline.
  • Computed tomography shows that the brain works differently than usual during paranormal activity.  Its two hemispheres are used synchronously, whereas they usually operate alternately.
  • Low temperatures increase the time the brain can endure without oxygen.  People who drowned in cold water can be resuscitated successfully after 30 minutes (or more) with no brain damage.
  • Every time we try to remember something or come up with a new idea, a new connection is made in the brain.
  • Every day, as many as 70,000 thoughts appear in our head.

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