Polish legends – Mr. Twardowski

Many centuries ago, a certain nobleman lived in Krakow. His name was Jan Twardowski. He was an educated man, he loved books, he loved science. He was interested in magic and alchemy, but after many years of research, he decided that witchcraft is impossible without the participation of supernatural forces.

So, Twardowski found in his book collections volumes dealing with invoking devils and applied the hints contained in them. After the rituals were performed, the candles in the room where the scientist stayed faded, and Twardowski saw a tall, slim devil dressed in black. There were small black horns on his head, fingers of hands tipped with sharp claws, hooves for feet, and a shaggy tail hanging from the back.

The devil looked at the man and smiled slyly revealing his sharp teeth. He read the scholar’s thoughts and knew that he had just gained another soul for his infernal cauldrons. So he asked:

…What can I do for you, Mr. Twardowski?

Twardowski talked briefly about his research into magic and his desire to do real witchcraft. Czart assured that human dreams would come true soon. All you need to do is sign the devil’s pact under which Twardowski was to give his soul to the devil. The nobleman saw the devil’s intentions and said so;

“Your offer to the devil is very generous.” Let me shorten your expectations of my soul and add to my pact that you will be able to pick me up as soon as I arrive in Rome. You won’t wait long, because in a few weeks I plan to make a pilgrimage to this city.

Czart was delighted with the additional entry and with the fact that he would soon gain a new soul. He did not know, however, that Twardowski had no intention of visiting Rome.

Moments later, the pact was signed by both parties. The devil was to serve man in making any magic that he only imagines. He was rubbing his hands because the task should be extremely simple and pleasant. After all, human souls are wayward, greedy and evil, and the nobleman will surely use devilish magic for evil purposes.

With new powers, Twardowski set off on a journey through the Republic of Poland. By magic, he created a huge rooster, which he rode like a steed and visited Polish villages and cities. Imagine the devil’s surprise when the sorcerer began to use devilish powers to do good.

The master healed people in a magical way, healed animals. He even chased away the apparitions from the house of the mayor of Bydgoszcz once, and he miraculously rejuvenated the steward himself. Thus, the wealth and fame of Twardowski grew in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. One day, King Zygmunt August himself summoned him and asked him for help in summoning the spirit of the deceased queen. The wizard, of course, managed the task by recalling the image of a woman on one of the palace mirrors, which he obtained a great favor from the king.

The devil was angry because not only weeks had passed since the contract was signed, but also months and years. Twardowski, on the other hand, had no intention of going to Rome. So he thought a devil and thought until he had an idea. He turned into a peasant and came to Twardowski asking for help in healing a supposedly sick mother. The wizard, of course, agreed to go with the peasant to a nearby inn, where a sick woman was to lie.

As soon as they entered the tavern, the devil took his true form, began to laugh out loud and said  ”…

“…I have you now, Mr. Twardowski. Your soul belongs to me. He finally met the terms of the contract. This inn is called Rome!

The wizard paled and began to curse his inattention. However, you need to act quickly, because the devil has already carried him up and carries him high above the ground.

A serious matter, there are no more jokes with the devil, so Twardowski decided to say a prayer to the Holy Mother. After the first words, the devil visibly weakened. When the prayer was over, the devil was so tormented that he cried out and dropped his prey, then fled to hell.

It so happened that at that moment they just flew over the moon and that’s where Twardowski fell. Apparently, he is sitting there to this day and longingly observes the Earth and his beloved Polish Republic.

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