Polish Legends – Warsaw Sirene

In the Atlantic Ocean, at the very bottom, there was an underwater kingdom centuries ago, the beautiful mermaid sisters lived in wealth and splendor. However, the sisters were very curious about the other undersea and terrestrial kingdoms they had heard about the sea creatures, so they decided to go a long way.

Both girls were extremely beautiful, but they were not ordinary girls, but mermaids, half-women, half-fish.

Blessed with flawless beauty, they dazzled with beautiful faces, hair, necks and shoulders, but their lower body reminded them that they were sea creatures. The mermaids had fish tails covered with multi-colored, shiny scales. The sisters came to the waters of the Baltic Sea, the sea seemed particularly beautiful to them, they played among the rocks, watched the waves beating on the shores and sang so beautifully that even the birds fell silent to listen intently to the strange siren songs. One of the sisters liked the surrounding islands, she liked them so much that she decided to stay here permanently – today the Mermaid is the pride of Copenhagen.

The second of the mermaid sisters swam to Gdańsk, and then moved south along the Vistula waters, passing villages and small towns, banks covered with dense forests, which swayed in the wind swaying their mysterious songs. At last she found a place that seemed especially dear to her, she lived among the high banks of the river, and as soon as evening dawned, she joyfully sang her unusual songs, and her voice carried over the nearby meadows and forests.

One evening, the Mermaid, as usual, swam to the shore and, staring at the shimmering moonlight, began her beautiful song. Raised on the bottom of the ocean, she hadn’t seen that the world on the surface could be so beautiful. Staring at these nightly wonders, the Mermaid forgot that the hours were passing, and she did not notice that someone was watching her from behind the nearby trees. Driven by rumors that on the Vistula riverbank there is an unusual maid, half-man, half-fish, singing so wonderfully that people who listen to her fall into a dream-filled, dreamy numbness, a rich merchant came to the fishing village. He had no good intentions towards the Mermaid, and she, trusting, did not expect anyone to seek her freedom.

Unaware of anything, one night, as usual, she swam to the shore and began to sing softly, suddenly something fell on her face, shoulders and bind her. The terrified girl did not know what was happening. It was the merchant who decided to implement his cunning plan, and by surprise, he attacked and kidnapped the girl, whom he imprisoned in a nearby shed. He did not care about her cries and Mermaid’s pleas. The clever trader decided that the girl could bring him a fortune. He intended to show her at fairs as an extraordinary beauty, a sea maiden, singing so beautifully that even the birds would go silent while listening to her songs.

The merchant left the Mermaid in the shed and decided to come back in the morning for her. Left in an unknown place, tied up, scared, filled with pain and despair, with feelings that she did not know before in her life, she began to sing so poignantly that she woke up fishermen who lived in a nearby village. So, they got up and remembered the beautiful maiden whose voice they had heard many times before, but out of fear and shyness, they never approached her, now terrified of what they were hearing, decided to dare and follow the voice that touched their hearts in the darkness.

As soon as they found the old shed, from which the voice of the Mermaid was coming, they freed the girl and helped her get back to the water. As a farewell mermaid, she sang the most beautiful song they had ever heard and promised that from now on she would always defend their village. And whole generations, remembering her, will never forget what freedom and good are. And so, a small village gave rise to a great and beautiful city – Warsaw. The inhabitants of the Polish capital do not forget about their maritime patron – to this day, the Warsaw Mermaid, with a sword raised up and a shield in her other hand, defends her city and reminds residents not to forget that freedom and a sensitive heart give real strength.

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