Polish Proverbs

  • What would Adam do if God had not planted Eve in Paradise?
    • let the lawyer have his head, and the horse should have legs
    • appetite grows during the  eating of the meal
    • A woman down  from a cart, horses have an easier job
    • without curiosity there is no wisdom
    • no cake, not a wedding
    • without people even a  paradise will get bored
    • no pain, no gain
    • there is no matzo without work
    • without a job there is no pay
    • honor is hard to come without a job
    • there is no honey without the effort
    • poor with children, even poorer  without children
    • a poor wife who has a drunkard husband
    • When you are poor, there is always wind blowing  in your eyes
    • It does not matter what  size of the person is  if there is no wisdom in the head
    • an apple falls near its apple tree
    • God gives nothing without work
    • God has given, God has taken
    • God will not forsake whoever falls on him
    • God helps those who help themselves
    • God on his tongue, and the devil is in his heart
    • for the rich, the devil rocks children
    • Bow down to God, and do not anger the devil
    • Serve God, and do not anger the devil
    • A candle to God and a stump to the devil
    • be afraid in January of spring because March is jealous
    • be in Rome and not see the Pope
    • there were two wise brothers, and the third was married
    • all wisdom does not fit in one head
    • the ends justify the means
    • if you want to meet a friend, you have to eat a barrel of salt with him
  • you want to get to heaven, do not pity the poor for a bite of bread
    • bread cries when they eat it for free
    • Bread acquired by work, it can be tasty and filling
    • he lost the bread, but he did not find the bun
    • Saint Agatha’s bread guards the hut from the fire
    • the bread on the way is not heavy
    • bread, beer, and light adorn the nobleman
    • people enslave people with bread and salt
    • a speaking peasant, and the hunting cat will not starve to death
    • the peasant will not cross himself until he hears lightning
    • the peasant will do what he must
    • they do not measure the peasant with a bushel
    • although the sun is warming up in April, sometimes the field will blow snow
    • the still waters rips the shore
    • curiosity is the first step to hell
    • virtue passes learning
    • virtue always comes out for good
    • two heads are better than one
    • every country is a custom
    • every March will bake, April will dry
    • what a husband is a serpent, what a wife is a martyr’s crown
    • What has done  is done
    • what’s mine, it is not a stranger
    • out of sight, out of heart
    • what too much is not healthy
  • someone else’s work does not enrich you
    • practice makes perfect
    • time heals wounds
    • time is money
    • sometimes in February it is sharply forged, sometimes in February it is only spilled
    • sometimes February takes pity that a man feels like spring;  but sometimes he gets so angry that a man can hardly bear it
    • what little Johnny does not learn at school , the grown-up John will not know
    • what Christ does not take, the tax office will kidnap
    • what the eye cannot see, the heart does not regret
    • June – a break because it interrupts the economy until the harvest
    • June after rainy May is often rainy in our country
    • June turns red.  There will be enough in your pocket
    • June was constant, December was perfect
    • man thinks, God draws
    • man shoots, God carries bullets
    • what the shell soaks in when it is young, it smacks in old age
    • give the hen a perch, and she: I will go higher
    • a gift horse is not looked into the teeth
    • the rains on the first and second July herald a forty-day rain
    • the devil is not sleeping
    • the devil puts on his chasuble and calls the masses with his tail
    • the devil is in the details
    • not difficult for one who wants it
    • for bread, not for heaven, he wants to be a priest
    • for two cocks there is not enough space for one manure
    • pleasing children for every mother
    • too much for the cat, too little for the dog
    • to my father for a penny, to my mother for a shirt
    • pray to the Lord God, and do not offend the devil
    • third time a charm
    • good wife -is a  husband’s crown
    • a good wife prides herself on cooking what her husband likes
    • a married couple is a paradise on earth
    • good nest good tribe
    • a good son is never forgotten by God
    • good bread with salt, as long as it is with good will
    • good bread when you do not have cake
    • good joke worth a coin
    • hell is paved with good intentions
  • the jug carries the  water until its ear won’t  breaks off
    • children and fish have no voice
    • fortune goes on and on
    • when February is without winds, in April the wind does not disappoint
    • When it is warm in February, cold in March, winter lasts for a long time, it is undoubtedly
    • when the cat is away, the mice play
    • when the frost is harsh in February, then the winter is not long
    • when October keeps warm, winter is usually cold
    • when the family lives in harmony, its poverty will not prosper
    • when you are in a hurry, the devil is happy
    • when the devil gets old he wants to become a monk
    • Whenever a tree is felled, all the chips are collected
    • when the thunder in July hits from noon, the trees are harmed and unwell
    • when January is not cold, March and April will cool down
    • when the sun bakes in July, the storm is near
    • When  it rains in January, it makes bad hopes
    • when the wolf grows old, the crow will nibble on him
    • when the hair turns gray, the mind will mature
    • if grandma had a mustache, she would be grandfather
    • if the goat had not jumped, it would not have broken its leg
    • wherever there is bread, there will be teeth
    • where the devil cannot, he will send a woman there
    • where the wood cuts, the chips fly
    • where two are fighting, the third is benefiting
    • where one bone, and two cubs – there is a room unknown
    • where  there is six cooks , there is nothing to eat
    • where work, diligence on guard, there is no need to enter
    • The same in  Rome, as is Crimea
    • wherever you like to work, the effort is generously paid
    • where many commanders are, the battle is lost
    • hunger – the best cook
    • bread is the only thing to the hungry mind
    • hungry will remind the hungry
    • you cannot pierce the wall with your head
    • they do not sow stupid ones; they are born themselves
    • guest in the house God in the house
    • the habit does not make a monk
    • fool the soul – there is no hell
    • rogue work is wasted
    • Even the king will be eaten by worms
    • and on the old bush the roses bloom
    • and you need to share the last bite of bread with your brother
    • Even in Paris they will not make rice out of  oats
    • When  the wolf is full,  the sheep are safe
    • as much wine in the head, so much truth in the word
    • the older the cat, the harder the tail
    • the bigger the work, the nicer the toil is
    • the turkey thought about Sunday, and on Saturday it was beheaded
    • an apple from an apple tree is rolling nearby
    • the egg wants to be smarter than the hen
    • an egg smarter than a chicken
    • How they see you, that is how they perceive you
    • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
    • when a dog eats, it does not bark, because its bowl is escaping
    • if you do not have what you like, you like what you have
    • when you do not have what you say, you lie, who you play with
    • as he courted, he promised it;  when he got it, he stopped
    • when you make your own bed, this is how you  will sleep
    • what an apple tree, such an apple
    • what to have, so to eat
    • what a mother, such a daughter
    • what wages, such work
    • what work, such pay
    • like bread, like crust, like mother, like daughter
    • like father Like Son
    • what mothers, such children
    • One swallow does not make spring
    • if it is hot with hay and harvest, it is a harsh and troublesome winter, and if it is rainy, a lot of mud in winter
    • if you step among the crows, you must croak as them
    • it is a virtue to keep one’s mouth shut off
    • he had not yet been born that would please everyone
    • yet there was nothing for an egg to teach a hen
    • if a bee flies out of the hive in January, it seldom promises us a successful year
    • every dog  praises its tail
    • each wagtail praises its tail
    • every job has a payoff
    • when a peasant has many children, he is rich;  when you have a lot of children, he is poor
    • you will not get far with a lie
    • lie has short legs
    • whom God does not give reason, the smith does not teach him
    • who will be hurt by the bread, and who will be helped by the stick
    • whom the bread harms, the stick will help
    • for whom work is a problem, oh!  oh!  he will cry out later
    • Who in the way this time
    • the horse has four legs and will stumble too
    • they forge the horse, the frog takes the leg
    • the cat has maimed the kitten, the cat will heal the kitten
    • the cat is washing, there will be guests
    • the blacksmith was at fault, and the
    • stolen food  does not make you fat
    • a cow that makes a lot of  noise gives very  little milk
    • the crow will not cut the eye of the crow
    • the curve of work does not pay off
    • the priest does not speak the sermons twice
    • whoever serves God, lends it happiness
    • whoever wants heaven must suffer, and whoever wants bread must work
    • if you want to live off your job, you do not need to worry
    • You will catch more flies with honey than with the vinegar
    • whoever despises bread, it is the Lord God more
    • whoever gives and take it back , he will boils in hell
    • those who work in summer do not feel hungry in winter
    • whoever has hands to work will eat a cup of cake
    • whoever is lucky, an ox will bear a calf to him
    • Whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword
    • whoever refuses to bear work has nothing to eat
    • whoever has no daughters has no children
    • who is unlucky in cards is lucky in love
    • whoever is not in the head is in the legs
    • whoever does not take advantage walks without shoes
    • whoever does not listen to his brother will hear the whip
    • whoever does not listen to their father or mother will be beaten by their own children
    • whoever brings it to the mill first, they will grind it first
    • first come first serve
    • whoever digs the holes under whom, the same falls into them
    • who comes late hurts himself
    • whoever gets up in the morning, God gives them
    • Those who are lazy to work are not worth eating roasts
    • who likes it, it cares
    • whoever gets burned when hot, blows cold
    • whoever is not lazy makes gold out of stones
    • whoever is born in May is doing well
    • who is ashamed of work, not worth the bread and cakes
    • who sows the wind reaps the storm
    • whoever seeks will find it
    • whoever looks at the cold in July will suffer hunger in the winter
    • whoever sows, reaps the storm
    • whoever starts with God, he will do carefully
    • who is with God, God is with him
    • whoever drinks with the peasant lies also with him under the fence
    • who stops with whom becomes so
    • whoever lives by the work of his hands will soon become fat
    • who is foolish by nature, will not buy a brain in Paris
    • strike while the iron is hot
    • April plait, because it intertwines a bit of winter, a bit of summer
    • April, which is wet with rain, bears a lot of fruit
    • it came lightly, it went lightly
    • better to give to children than to take from children
    • better late than never
    • it is better to lose with the wise than to find with the fool
    • prevention is better than cure
    • the better is the enemy of the good
    • better woodpecker in hand than eagle on a knot
    • Half a loaf is better than nothing
  • better peas and cabbage at home than a fat hen in war
    • better sparrow in hand than dove on the roof
    • a wise head enough to have two words
    • The person is wise only  after the damage is done
    • the wise will accept advice, the fool will despise it
    • Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
    • the husband advises, and the wife has authority
    • love is blind
    • love begets love
    • lazy youth, weepy old age
    • the young may die and the old must
    • speech is silver, and silence is golden
    • the mice play when they do not feel the cat
    • the sun shines alike on the manure and the rose
    • on the thief’s cap burning
    • hope is the mother of fools
    • darkest is under the lantern
    • the hardest step is to take the first step
    • most often the fat belly has a hollow head
    • best rule – look at your neighbor’s cards
    • nature drags the wolf into the forest
    • learning without virtue as the sword of the madman: it hurts both oneself and people
    • you brewed beers, you must drink them now
    • even the gallows are nicer in company
    • nothing of  bread when teeth are missing
    • do not praise the day before sunset
    • it is not the time to regret the roses when the forests are burning
    • do not do to others what you unpleasant
    • honey is too good for a bear
    • there is no smoke without fire
    • there is no rose without thorns
    • every cloud has a silver lining
    • a job that is not always paid for is not pleasant
    • do not tell anyone what is happening at home
    • do not let go, it is not my mother who gives me a little: work, willingness, beautiful manners
    • The Time was not built in a day
    • the ox did not remember any more, when he  was a calf
    • do not do what is unpleasant to another
    • man does not live by bread alone
    • not saints make pots
    • no clothes make the man
    • not as terrible as the devil is painted
    • all that glitters is not gold
    • do not call the wolf out of the woods
    • The sons of good parents are not always good
    • let not the left hand know what the right hand is doing
    • the absent are not right
    • misfortunes come in pairs
    • no one is a prophet in his own country
    • no one can serve two masters
    • the full belly does not make the mind sharp
    • opportunity makes a thief
    • an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
    • people get richer with savings and work
    • marry a son when you will, and give birth to a daughter when you can
    • Lord God is slow-paced, but unforgiving
    • God is slow but fair
    • money do not stink
    • the first cats behind the fences
    • the drunkard will find the drunk
    • a drunkard is like an animal: neither to work nor to pray
    • necessity is the mother of invention
    • you said A,  then you should say B
    • Repetition is the mother of knowledge
    • voluntary labor has more value than forced labor
    • work perfects virtue
    • work does not hurt anyone
    • work protects from poverty: whoever does not sow, reaps nothing
    • truth hurts the eyes
    • A friend in need is a friend indeed
    • the law is there to be avoided
    • sincere friendship does not die
    • proverbs are the wisdom of the nations
    • dog’s voices do not go to the heavens
    • the dogs bark, the caravan goes on
    • once on the car once under the car
    • robot no hare, will not run away
    • the fish rots from the head
    • fish, although they are good, overeat on the third day
    • a rare thing between brothers
    • a lonely world a desert
    • the walls have ears
    • sclerosis does not hurt, but you have to walk a lot
    • words cost nothing
    • the word will fly out with a sparrow and will return with an ox
    • the word is spoken, the mare at the fence
    • The fortune favors the bold
    • Laughter is good for health
    • old love never dies
    • the older brother cuts the meat, and the younger brother peels
    • fear has big eyes
    • God, keep me from my friends, because I can deal with my enemies on my own
    • God guards the guarded
  • January can be mild, while October is snowy and cool
    • Bright January bodes well for a fertile year
    • you must wash your dirty laundry at home
    • the son does not inherit his fatherly happiness
    • the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod
    • look for work like bread, not knife
    • seek and you will find
    • a tailor cuts as much as his matter becomes
    • the one who laughs last
    • run like brands in hell
    • the drowning person grabs the razor
    • you get lucky just like a blind  chicken with a good grain
    • a lot of water in February – even a hungry calf in summer
    • Heaven and hell in marriage
    • there is more happiness in giving than in receiving
    • much water and few fish
    • the wolf murders for food, the man for fun
    • the wolf’s legs are feeding
    • having climbed among the crows, one must croak like them
    • well everywhere but at home is best
    • all roads lead to Rome
    • exception proves the rule
    • The  uncle traded an ax for a stick
    • tall as a birch, and dumb as a goat
    • you cannot twist a whip out of sand
    • out of vain, neither does Solomon pour
    • work in the morning, pay in the evening
    • you will not buy much for God
    • a bad father rarely has a good son
    • know a cat by its claws
    • a pretty wife is always cheating

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