Rainy Saturday … ideas what to do, and how not to get bored…

Autumn rainy days are a time when we spend more time at home.  The aura outside the window does not encourage spending time outdoors so much.  After all, a sunny day is a bad idea to waste by sitting at home. We all know how busy we can be with our daily life, so sometimes an extra, unexpected, and unplanned rest day, is a blessing in disguise.  For most people, rainy days are a good time to do whatever you want to do or do nothing, if you don’t quite have an idea how to use this day with your family, it’s a good time!  I have just collected a list of a few things you can do in the comfort of your home while having a great time.


Rainy days are the best for catching up on reading. Grab a favorite book, it than one that you did not have time to start, warm blanket and a cup of tea or coffee. If you ask me, books are my best idea for relaxing rainy day (for me personally, for any day, because I love books and I live to read).

If someone in your family likes PS4 or Xbox games, a rainy day is perfect to spend with the whole family.  After all, games are loved by big and small.  Prepare some snacks for this and have fun.

You can prepare something together in the kitchen, for example a dinner for which everyone will be responsible for making their own part.  Or maybe baking cookies??  Try to cook something good together.  Look for inspiration around you or reach for a recipe on the Internet.  You will surely find something interesting.  This is a good time to tell yourself what happened during the week, i.e. family gossip about everything and nothing.

A day in a series of never-ending board games.  It is said that board games are experiencing a renaissance.  There are really many offers on the market.

movie marathon!! Spend the day on the couch in front of the TV.  It is very relaxing if you have an incredibly stressful job.  You can finally binge watch the whole 3 seasons (or more) of your favorite show, is one rainy day.  One day where everyone does what they want, can also relax.  Just do not do it too often!

If you are lucky in cards, it is worth playing with your family seriously.  It will be a bargaining chip in dealing with many family matters, such as who will wash the dishes or negotiations to convince parents to buy new clothes, games, mp3

Black family playing cards

Sit down with your family or alone and recall old times by browsing through your photo albums.

It is so worth to focus on exercises, for example yoga, or Pilates. Another great idea is to put some good dance/old time rock music and do some Zumba.

Whole day if indoor spa. You finally have a chance to pamper yourself and focus on your own relax. Put some candles, play your favorite music, take a long bubble bath. Take manicure or pedicure. Or even better, both! Test the new face mask. Perfect timing.

If you have a pet, you can teach him new tricks. And spending the whole day with your pooch, will make him incredibly happy, and relax and calm you down.

Painting, drawing, sketching, a proposition for people who like to spend their time creatively.

Do you have old newspapers or magazines at home?  Create a collage or comic book with your loved ones.  Newspaper clippings and various quotes can be used as material for creating interesting works.  Later, it is worth framing them and decorating the walls.  It is great fun.

Maybe the rain is not a problem for you?  Maybe you are one of those who love it! So, and go outside to run in the puddles with the kids.

These are just a few suggestions.  In fact, everyone has their own preferences, a hobby they want to devote to this day.  It is such a lazy day that everyone can spend in their own way, so just respect it.  Nevertheless, I believe that it is worth taking some time for joint activities.  Remember that childhood is often remembered through such family moments.  It is worth contributing to building these shared memories.  What are your favorite rainy-day activities?

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