This is my post number 200!!!!

A to Z….. of ME!!!

This is a big deal

Who knew how much joy and fulfilment the blog will give me, when I was just starting to think about it … and among the few different ideas I had, I am incredibly happy I decided to choose this one.

So today post will be more, or very  personal. It is something about me, something that is especially important to me , something that is make Me a ME!!!


like Ambitions. I always knew that is I want more from life. It is not even about materialistic things.  There is so much world to discover, so many places to go and live in, so many people to meet.


like  Books. Something that was especially cherished in my home. I grow to love books. I love reading. There are always books I want to get my hands on.  There is always a  budget for new ones. I am definitely the old-fashioned soul. I just love the smell of the newly printed book, the weight of the paper. Everything about. Sorry Kindle, not buying it !


like Crazy for Chocolate!!  Well, not exactly. Surprise, surprise: I DO NOT LIKE CHOCOLATE!!!  No chocolate fanatic. No chocolate ice cream. If i do not have any other way, i will go with “white chocolate ” , which is not a Chocolate !!


like December. My favorite month. My Birthday , since I am a winter baby. I love December, coz it is getting dark around 3 pm, and all the trees are lighter up with Christmas decorations.. that is my favorite part of it ..


like emotional. Sometimes to the point of being too emotional. Well, but as a woman , I am build out of layers of emotions, so it is  more understandable. There is a bad side too, I am taking everything to much and too personal at times.  Well, i cry on the movies.


like Father. The biggest loss of my life. The biggest heartache! Loosing you so early in life broke me in two. And the void that was created, will never be filled.


like gummy bears. I LOVE THEM. I know how they are made, but i still can get enough of them


like History, especially the Ancient part, that is I truly Adore. I studied it, and till this day is one of my favorite subjects. Love historic books, have tons of them. Love historical movies and documentaries.


Like Ice Cream. I grow up in colder country, but we always have ice cream in the freezer, all year round. Yes, even in the snowy winter time . It stays the same till this day. I absolutely love it .well, except chocolate ones.  My absolute favorite is Raspberry and white truffles.


like Julia. One of my nieces and nephews that I Truly adore. She is my only Goddaughter, and therefore  here is a sacred bond between her and me. I hold her in my arm when she was only 5 hours old. That is love!


 like kale. I love veggies, almost all of them . But this one in my favorite when it comes to dark leafy greens. So versatile. I use in fresh salads, as the main greens, in soups and smoothies, or dehydrates as chips with sea salt .


like Loyalty. Whoever know me, knows exactly that is I am loyal to the bone. When  it comes to my family, my friends, people I respect. There is no amount of money you can offer to me, to make me betrayed someone.


like movies. I love watching movies. Not all of them of course. But there are some of them, my favorite , that i know line by line, and I come back to trim quite often.. Lord of The Rings; Dracula ( 1992 version), Mamma Mia ; Beautiful Creatures; Blind side .. just a few


Like New York. The place I choose to be my home. I moved here after the college. I love and I hate it at the same time.  There is so many thing to love about living here, so many opportunities,  but at the same time, if you  not grounded, the city would swallow  you, and spot you out.


like oyster mushrooms. I love all mushrooms in any shape and form, but those are my absolute favorite. I will dip the fresh one in chickpea flour batter, and fried .. it taste like a little schnitzel.. i love it


Like Portuguese Language. Just love it. That is the language I am learning right now.  I hope it will come handy . There are few places that is I have in mind …


The word “Quotes” concept and theme painted in watercolor ink on a white paper.

Like Quotes. I love them .  I am obsessed with quotes. I am keeping them in my memory.  I write them down.  Every book u read, will always face one or few that i will save , for later . Love a good quote.


like Robert. My big Brother.  My filar, my strength and my support. Even thou we live so far apart; I cannot imagine living life without having you there.


like Stubbornness. As I child I head constantly that I am stubborn like a donkey. Maybe it was not so great then, but I am enormously proud of my stubbornness, and me keeping my positions no matter what.


like tomatoes. I am a vegan, and tomatoes are such a huge part of my daily diet. I simply cannot to have a salad without fresh tomatoes. Piece of bread with tomato slice and sea salt… Heaven


Like Ultimate guide to everything . My blog . My first baby. That is growing on all of the platforms. I was thinking about going back tow ring for some time . One day i just felt, that is it !! And the rest is history .. i almost forgot how happy writing made me before ..well, it still does. I love every moment of  it ..


like Vampires. I am such a huge Anne Rice fan and love her Vampire Chronicles books . I also love the Blade trilogy. There is something almost magical and enchanting in the dark, Victorian world of vampires. Cannot get enough.


like Wala. My beloved GRANDMOTHER , who raise me to me the best person I can be. She always believed in me and let me roam free.  She understood me and my spirit.


like Xigua (pronounced “she gwah”) is a common melon found in Africa. It has a hard rind that can be yellowish to green and has a soft fleshy inside that is pink and edible and is known in other countries as the watermelon. Xigua is full of many valuable nutrients. The Xigua is synonymous with watermelon, the sweet melon produced in over 1200 different varieties worldwide.  And i Love Fresh Watermelon 🍉


like yellow. For some strange reason, since i was a kid i cannot stand this color . Do i hate it ? Well, yes!!! Do not ask me, but why ?? It is so pretty and sunny ! Well, I really do not know why,  but it  is the last color for me .. !


Like zucchini chips. I love salty stuff, salty snacks. And potato chips are one of them, high on the list . Since I am trying to stay away from packaged, processed food, i started  making them at home . Thinly sliced zucchini goes in the oven with sprinkle of sea salt, to dehydrate .. so yummy 😋

About the author


  1. First congratulations 🎊 !!!!
    This is one of the coolest and insightful blogs, Ohh yes its bookmarked as one of my favorite things to do daily :).

    Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

    Keep up the good work !

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